125years after its disappearance, the extinct Takahi bird appears in New Zealand
125years after its disappearance, the extinct Takahi bird appears in New Zealand 12342
Researchers specializing in wildlife monitoring in New Zealand found the "Takahi" bird, which had been declared an "extinct bird" since its disappearance in 1898.
Big victory
In detail, the country's Department of Environmental Protection stated that wildlife observers monitored the reappearance of the takahe bird and its numbers gradually increasing, in what was described as a "major victory" in the field of the environment.
125years after its disappearance, the extinct Takahi bird appears in New Zealand 1-470
Extinct bird
The researchers described the extinct bird "Takahi" as a bird that has red legs and blue feathers and is unable to fly. 18 birds of this type were released in the valley of Lake Wakatipu Waimaori last week, a mountainous area where birds have not been spotted since. about a century ago.
Takahi bird
The Takahe bird feeds on grains and plant roots, in addition to small plants, especially those with soft roots. This bird makes its own bread from the grass left from its food. It always prefers to have its nest below the ground, and tries to hide it by mixing it with with leaves.
125years after its disappearance, the extinct Takahi bird appears in New Zealand 1-2079
This bird belongs to the family of birds that cannot fly, despite its medium size, as the size of the adult "takahi" bird is the size of a medium-sized chicken, and the length of this bird does not exceed 63 cm at most.
Takahe behavior
The Takahi bird is one of the quietest birds, and does not like to mix, and prefers to hide in its house, if there are a number of people or animals near it, so it is one of the birds called the "hiding master."
125years after its disappearance, the extinct Takahi bird appears in New Zealand 1--971
shocking decline
Over the past years, the numbers of this bird have witnessed a terrible decline in many regions around the world, which made many scientists believe that this bird has already become extinct, until a few numbers of it were found in one of the forests and nature reserves, specifically In the South Island region, and the famed Murchison and Claire mountain ranges, which are located in the state of New Zealand, there are still a few of this bird, living in public parks there.
Some studies conducted on this bird have confirmed that this type of bird has only about 300 birds worldwide.

It is noteworthy that there are approximately 21 birds of this type of bird in the Motutapu Reserve in New Zealand. This bird is also listed on the red list issued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature regarding threatened species.

Source: websites