Summer 2023: 10 outdoor activities to do in Vars
Summer 2023: 10 outdoor activities to do in Vars 1959
Located in the Hautes-Alpes, the resort of Vars is surrounded by striking nature and splendid mountain panoramas. At the gates of the Queyras Regional Natural Park, the area is ideal for a multitude of outdoor activities. So for those who want to experience an active summer, there is no need to hesitate for a second! Vars offers you unforgettable experiences , directly in contact with an exceptional natural environment. Hiking, trails, mountain biking, bivouac sessions, treetop adventure courses, there is something for all tastes, all ages, and you are sure to let off steam while enjoying the great outdoors and breathtaking landscapes.  this summer. With new features that are sure to seduce you.
1- Smile, you are being watched
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In the mountains, very often, silence is king. Make no mistake! You are not alone, open your eyes wide, our animal friends are also keeping a watchful eye on you . Set off to discover the horned animals and other specimens specific to this environment with professional mountain guides who will teach you about the way of life of this fascinating mountain fauna, but also about their adaptations to survive, their habits  , etc. It is always an incredible moment to discover wildlife in its natural environment, chamois, ibexes and other birds of prey.
2- The big blue: 1 day, 1 lake
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All the lights are yellow for your week in Vars: the weather forecast predicts a storm of sunshine . So every day has its dose of freshness with a stroll towards the high altitude lakes. Nothing like a gold frame to go green! At Lake Napoléon , located at an altitude of 1,987 m, trout in Empress. At the Lake of 9 Colors , at 2,711 m, you can practice the unmissable Vars hike. The one that makes you discover a jewel of the Ubaye valley. The Lac de l'Etoile , at 2,755 m, offers a breathtaking 360° view of the peaks. Also enjoy an unmissable trip to Lake Chabrières , at 2,210 m, possible from 7 to 77 years old, and even more or less! As for Lake Peyrol, at 2,140 m, the place is ideal for families. Surrounded by the larch forest, the place is perfect for a picnic in the grass, followed by a nap in the shade of a tree.
3- Front row seats to sunset: hike at sunset
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Would you like an outdoor cinema? Tirelessly rediscover a film that has been showing since the dawn of time: Sunset in the Mountains . In the main roles, you will find the tall and charismatic Soleil who will see his performance enhanced by all the surrounding mountains: not so secondary characters who will give all the relief necessary for the success of the film. The plot will be as important as the outcome: anecdotes about the surrounding fauna and flora and a bit of geology, all presented by the director who will be none other than your guide.
A few nibbles of what you brought with you and we are almost at the end of the film. Always the best time. The Sun set, taking with it a beautiful day of discovery. Don't be sad, it's time to debrief the film during the head-on descent!
4- A little help? Discover electric mountain biking
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To those who maintain that electric mountain biking is not sport or as some say, “cheating”, we prove you the opposite! You still have to pedal! Eh yes ! with different levels of assistance, play it the hard way or in soft mode. Electric mountain bike riding is an excellent solution to get you in the saddle or back in the saddle and an ideal activity for doing sport together and at the same pace! You share the discipline, even this passion, with the whole family, and what's more, you no longer need to put yourself "in the red" to catch up with the others! All terrains are accessible to you and you will cross the hills “with your fingers in your nose”: so, push the boundaries of what you can!
5- “Trail” not on the way
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Trail running is running on uneven terrain, which differentiates it from classic running... but not only: going fast... no... Going far and going beautiful on trails allowing you to discover a refreshing mountain territory, YES ! Vars offers a superb playground for mountain running enthusiasts . Trail marking? It's like the ski slopes: green, blue, red: there is something for all tastes and styles! From wide dirt roads to single tracks, in the forest or on the ridges, through the vast alpine meadows, the whole range of mountain landscapes is available to running adventurers. The most urban among you will discover different sensations with the capacity of the body and the heartto adapt to more rugged and changing terrain . One thing is certain, you will come back!
6- Play it like Tarzan: treetop courses
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20 courses and 250 workshops for all levels await you for fun, trees and sensations! Among them, 3 introductory courses, 5 areas for toddlers (2 to 5 years old), 4 children's courses and 8 adult courses. Don't miss these moments which are aimed at both children and adults. When nature transforms into a fun space, the king of the jungle is you!
7- Walk like never before: the crests of Vars via the Val d’Escreins
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This loop hike from Val d'Escreins (5h30) is absolutely splendid. It climbs straight for the first part towards the Col de la Scie (2,376 m). However, you will be in the middle of the forest and well sheltered from the sun for this climb of just over 2 hours. You will then join the Col de la Coulette for the famous Vars ridges, the most aerial part . It's time to appreciate rocks with surprising shapes. The emptiness can impress many on certain balcony sections, but the path is not on the side of a cliff. The strong points: a grandiose and varied 360° view and edelweiss meadows . Third and final part, all downhill! Before setting off again, enjoy the view of the splendidVallon Laugier and Val d'Escreins , your destination starting point.
8- Like a fish in water: Try the aquarando
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Does the fishman mean anything to you? Neoprene wetsuit and socks, sneakers and helmet: here is your equipment to discover aquarando ! The only condition is that you know how to swim to walk in the torrent, bathe in the pools and even do a few jumps and slides on the natural slides! Climb the rocks that line the route, find your balance on this steep and slippery terrain, even cross a cave as a little taste of caving! The ideal terrain for a family adventure. Right in the heart of the canyon, the cliffs on either side have an eye on you. An exceptional setting for an unmissable unusual activity. Vars is located at the crossroads of three rivers, the Durance, the Guil and the Ubaye, making it an ideal destinationfor white water activities in summer .
9- Follow the new interpretation trails
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For this summer 2023, the Vars resort is offering a big novelty with 2 themed trails , called “interpretation”. They allow families to stroll in an educational spirit, thanks to the reading tables which are installed along each route. The walk is accompanied by a little shepherd named “Pt'it Louis” and his patou “Caillou” , fully available to share their knowledge.
The Escondus Forest Trail is dedicated to discovering the surrounding flora and fauna. Meet the hares, marmots, squirrels, tits and whitecoats that occupy the territory. Not forgetting the discovery of tree species around you and the moments recognizing animal prints. Walk possible from 3 years old , over a distance of 2.8 km for 1 hour. Under the gaze of “Reine Eyssina”, the emblematic mountain of Vars, the Sentier de la Reine offers the discovery of the history of Vars, its geology and its pastoralism. A great opportunity to learn more and become knowledgeable about artificial snow and hill reserves. A walk where we also learn more about the wildlife presentin number: golden eagle, ibex, chamois and even the wolf. Possible from 5 years old, over a distance of 5.5 km for 1h30.
10- Vars off-road: discovering the Bike Park
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What if today you switched to off-road mode? Discover the Vars Bike Park , whether you prefer downhill, cross-country or enduro, ask for the mountain bike map and ride! The mountain bike guides are there to help you discover the area and perfect your technique, whatever your level. The Bike Park in brief, there are 5 DH (downhill) trails  : 1 green / 3 blue / 1 red; 6 Enduro routes  : 1 green / 4 red / 1 black; 11 cross-country routes  : 3 green / 4 blue / 2 red / 2 black.

Source: websites