An unprecedented discovery of two new types of dinosaurs in Khouribga
An unprecedented discovery of two new types of dinosaurs in Khouribga 1978
Recently, Moroccan and foreign paleontologists discovered, in the Oulad Abdoun community in Khouribga, two new types of dinosaurs that are not yet known in the scientific community.
The team of researchers stated, in a recent article published in the journal Cretaceous Research, that these dinosaurs, which are likely to have a cousin relationship with the T-Rex, are part of the abelisaurids family that lived 66 million years ago.
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This team, consisting of Noureddine Jalil, a professor at the Natural History Museum in Paris, and Nicholas R. Longrich from the University of Bath, and Eric Isasmendi and Xavier Pereda Superbiola from the University of the Basque Country, said that the dinosaurs, discovered in ancient geological layers, are a type of “theropod predator” that lived on the supercontinent “Gondwana.”
According to these researchers, these new dinosaurs are completely different from those previously known, as their bone texture shows that they were in adulthood at the time of their disappearance.

This unprecedented discovery at the international level reinforces the distinguished position of the Kingdom in advancing scientific research and encouraging Moroccan and foreign researchers to explore the hidden treasures of the Earth and humanity.

Source: Medi1tv