Morocco.. the discovery of the first aquatic dinosaur in the world
Morocco.. the discovery of the first aquatic dinosaur in the world 12383
An international team of paleontologists, including scientists from the University of Hassan II in Casablanca, the University of Detroit Mercy in the United States of America, the University of Portsmouth in England and the Museum of Natural History in Milan, Italy, managed to discover the first aquatic dinosaur, in the “Zureikat” site in the Erfoud region in southeastern Morocco.
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A statement issued by the Institute of Geology at Hassan II University indicated that "the dinosaur lived in the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago." This is the first discovery of the remains of a dinosaur skull after about 70 years of excavation work in southeastern Morocco.
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The research team explained that this aquatic dinosaur is called “Spinosaurus”, and it had huge legs that reached 13 meters, a long tail, and a streamlined body that included spines and was equipped with a fin.

For the University of Hassan II in Casablanca, this discovery is considered a “unique event,” as the first discovery of fossil bones of a “Spinosaurus” dinosaur by the German paleontologist, Ernst Strummer, more than a century ago in the Egyptian desert.

Source: websites