!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia
!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia 1992
American geneticist Spencer Wells confirms in his latest scientific studies that Carthage was a local Tunisian civilization, not a Phoenician.
He confirms that the proportion of the local element in the population of Carthage was more than 90%... and that the genes were purebred, local and stable.
And the presence of the weak Phoenician element was cultural, not genetic... The Phoenicians did not leave important genes in Carthage... just a cultural exchange and nothing more...
!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia 1-547
The laboratory study included analyzes of DNA samples from Lebanon and Tunisia.
The geneticist went further and said that the Phoenicians had no role in the founding of Carthage and that the Lebanese should accept that and it should not be seen as shocking news to them...
This walk was not alone, but was supported by the British archaeologist and professor of ancient history at the University of Oxford, Josephine Crawley Quinn, in her book: “In the Search of the Phoenicians,” where she emphasized the absence of any Phoenician trace in Tunisia-Carthage and that the Phoenicians as a nation are a very weak concept and whose existence is doubtful. Strongly...
!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia 1-112
We lived for ages enjoying the legend of Alyssa...
And the legend of the skin of a bull...
No Alice escaped from the pictures...
Nor did she come to us laden with gold...
Nor did its ships dock in our ports...
Nor was the bull slaughtered...
Nor was his skin cut into strips and ropes...
The legend of Alessa and her soldiers fleeing from Tire to the land of Tunisia after her brother killed her husband and her founding of Carthage was not mentioned by any Greek historian, even though they were known for recording the entire history of the region...and they did not neglect any details..
What if our ships were the ones docking in the Phoenician ports in the East...?
What if we sent our boats to them laden with perfumes of jasmine, dates, oranges, wine, oil, and pottery... and they returned filled with cedar wood...?
?What if we were the ones who settled and mixed with the East...
What if we were the ones who went there just as we went to Sicily, Malta, Sardinia, Spain, French Britain, the Canary Islands, America...?
Moreover, when Alexander the Great attacked the land of the Phoenicians in the east and colonized them, not a single Carthaginian soldier moved to provide support and assistance to the Phoenician people. Rather, he reached Egypt and stopped at the borders of Libya, fearing Carthage.
?Is there really anything to deny that
?Is there anything to refute that
!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia 1-450
The Free Carthaginians Originals are not ready to believe the nonsense of the Greeks and Romans... about the history of our ancestors...
The free Carthaginians are not prepared to believe that the great Carthage was connected to a handful of defunct societies... groups that were unable to govern and organize themselves in their homelands...
Of course, we are thousands of kilometers away from them... They were unable to establish a great empire there, so they founded it here... And when their small cities there fell, the fleets of their empire there did not save them... These are funny things...
The advocates of Phoenicism were unable to prove their Phoenicism in the East... and they were unable to unite around that... The Lebanese today, in turn, see Phoenicism as merely a cultural trend with no consensus in Lebanon and not a strong reference for defining Lebanon’s identity..
!The end of the Phoenician legend in Tunisia 1--193
They reject this in their country... and some want us to believe that Tunisia was built by the Phoenicians...
Carthage is purely Tunisian... its center is Tunisia... whether you accept that or reject it, nothing will change our constant euphoria... that we are the sons of a great empire that owned land and sea... and it is in the process of being reshaped to rise again...
So raise your hat and drop your pen... Whoever is imbued with the history of the great Carthage does not tire, does not surrender or is defeated... but rather triumphs...
Prove to us that you established civilization, empire, and glory in your country, and then come and prove the relationship of that to our country.
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Carthage in Tunisia and Tunisia in Carthage... As for the Phoenicians, we know nothing about them except the phoenix.
Between Carthage, Tunisia, and Rome, there is a distance of civilization exceeding 500 years... We taught them shipbuilding, the art of architecture, the arts of governance, and the art of exploration... And some will appear upon us in 2023 and want to embezzle our civilization... our history and our nation...

Written by: Sami Al-DJalouli