History of the city of Medea
History of the city of Medea 11056
Population census and social structure of the city of Medea in the time period 1840 AD - 1844 AD
According to the French official census for the year 1844 AD, the population of the city of Medea was 3,558 people. This number combined the people of the city and the suburbs, without counting the French, and it was divided as follows:
The city’s population is 1,434 people, divided according to age group, race, and religion as follows
* Urban (Maures)
History of the city of Medea 1-2359
-Men 161
- Women 171
-Boys 86
- Girls 73
* The gargoyle
-Men 31
-Women 48
-Boys 28
- Girls 22
*Bani Mzab
-Men 152
-Women 0
-Boys 28
- Girls 0
*The Jews
-Men 175
- Women 169
- Boys 120
- Girls 124
-Men 23
-Women 33
-Boys 04
- Girls 05
Residents of the suburbs or examinations, it is noticeable the absence of Jews, gutters, and slaves
* Urban (Maures)
History of the city of Medea 1-2360
-Men 448
- Women 399
- Boys 249
- Girls 169
* The gargoyle
-Men 268
- Women 289
- Boys 180
- Girls 122
note :
*The total number of Jews in Medea until the year 1844 is 588 Jews
* The Jewish presence was limited to the city only
* The presence of Bani Mizab was limited to men and children
*The majority of the people of Medea lived outside the city, i.e. in the suburbs or suburbs
As for the possessions of the people of Medea, it was as follows
History of the city of Medea 1--1114
* 200 mules
*Cows 100
* Sheep and goats 300
* Guns - weapons 500
*Al-Diyar 808 homes
Regarding large families or large homes (Familles influentes).
History of the city of Medea 1--1115
During this period, the city judge was Mr. Muhammad bin Saadi, then he was replaced by Judge Mr. Abdul Qadir bin Muhammad on December 15, 1843 AD.
This, in brief, is a brief and concise overview of the city of Medina and its people in the wake of the French entry. It is documented in the French archives for those who want to delve deeper and explore this field, whether students or those interested.
* French Archives Archives nationales d'outre mer
-Reference GGA 50II 240