Merit Nate is the first woman to sit on the throne of Egypt and the world
Merit Nate is the first woman to sit on the throne of Egypt and the world 11071
Ancient Egyptian history is full of stories of queens who ruled the country, changed its appearance, and demonstrated their ability to manage a strong and deeply rooted nation like Egypt, whether they were queens and sat on the throne alone like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra, or shared the rule with their husbands like Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaten, and Nefertari, the wife of Ramesses the Great... and despite that. There are names that many do not know, such as Queen Merit Neith or Merit Neith, who is considered the first woman to sit on the throne of Egypt, and there are some historical sources that say that she is the first woman to sit on the throne of government in the entire world, not just Egypt.
?Who is Queen Merit Nate
Queen Merneith, or Merit Neit, is considered one of the most disputed individuals in the history of ancient Egypt. When they found her tomb, they discovered that she was buried with 118 servants who followed her in the afterlife, but she is still a mysterious queen.

Queen Merit Neit lived during the First Dynasty in Egypt, which extended from 6000-3150 BC, and historians agree that she was the mother of King Den, one of the first pharaohs in unified ancient Egypt, who held the title of “King of Upper and Eastern Egypt.” He ruled in 2970 BC. An engraved seal was found in King Den's tomb bearing the name of his mother, Queen Merneith. However, determining the identity of her father and husband is more complicated.
Some Egyptologists say that her husband is King Dejet, the fourth pharaoh of the First Dynasty, others confirm that she is the consort of King Horus Djer, while many believe that since King Den is the son of Gat, it is logical that Queen Merenith is the wife of Pharaoh Gat.
The queen's name was mentioned in the famous Palermo Stone, on which is engraved a list of the names of the first kings of Egypt, which recounts the history from the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt at the hands of King Narmer or Menes to the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty. Thus, it is likely that Queen Merneith or Merit Neit is the first female pharaoh and the first. Queen in written history.
Merit Nate is the first woman to sit on the throne of Egypt and the world 1-2397
Most likely, she ruled Egypt in 2950 BC, for an indefinite period, and researchers believe that she assumed the throne as regent when her son and successor, Dan, was very young. Even if Merit Neet had no accomplishments other than raising her son, that would have been enough for her, because he became one of the top kings of Egypt and during the reign of... Controlling the bandits who were attacking the inhabitants of the Delta, he was the first king to think about regulating the waters of the Nile and its flooding, and withholding endowments from temples.
But the strongest evidence that Merneith ruled Egypt is her tomb found in Abydos, because it was unique among other tombs. The queen was buried near the kings of Gath and Den, and her tomb was the same size as the tombs of the kings of that period. Two plaques bearing her name were discovered near it. Despite all that, her name was not present in the serekh on which the name of the ruling pharaoh was written.
The Queen's tomb was discovered in 1900 by Egyptologist Flinders Petrie. It was found that it contained a large underground room surrounded by clay bricks, and around it were rows of small tombs and at least 40 sub-graves for servants, artists, and animals that would accompany her in the afterlife...and inside it was a pit. The boat, 17.8 meters long, even contains a solar boat that allows the queen to travel with the sun god in the afterlife.

Merit Neet is still not well known, and research on it is still ongoing, like many of the secrets of the Pharaonic civilization that have not yet been revealed.

Source: websites