?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through
?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through 11109
Through the historical stages that Jerusalem and Palestine as a whole passed through, in all objectivity and without sentimentality or bias toward one party over another, the international community was right, fair, and just in dividing the region between the two sides of the conflict. The ideology of Arab nationalism, with its false and imaginary slogans, was what obstructed the paths of settlement. The Palestinians had to accept The settlement of 1948 AD, or at least the settlement of 1967 AD. But unfortunately, they continue the conflict under false, resonant slogans until all their lands are lost by the Israeli settlements that expand from day to day. Even if Hamas’ resistance poses a threat to Israel’s security, it does not constitute a threat to the demise of the State of Israel and does not force it. To negotiate or concede. Because the Hebrew state took control of the region with its advanced military capabilities that suppress every rebellious movement by Hamas or others, and every time it destroys its infrastructure.
?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through 1-567
The United Nations and the international community do not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but rather give it the western part and consider East Jerusalem part of the Palestinian territories, and do not recognize its annexation to the Hebrew state, with some exceptions.
?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through 1-2489
The Palestinian issue must start from a humanitarian perspective, not an Arab nationalism, because many Arab and Arab countries have turned their backs on Palestine, stopped their aid and funding, and declared Hamas a terrorist organization. Rather, they hastened to normalize relations with Israel openly and established friendly, political, and economic relations with it. Consequently, the Palestinian issue became isolated internationally, and the bottom line is that the Palestinian issue is a victim of Arab nationalism that brought it destruction, devastation, dispersion, and false illusions.
?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through 1--1187
Through Jerusalem throughout history, we can judge whether Palestine is Arab or Jewish, as promoted by Arab and Israeli nationalists.
The third millennium BC, the Canaanites migrated to it (they are not Arabs at all, but they are ancestors of the Palestinians, Phoenicians, and Jews)
The Jebusite tribe - one of the Canaanite clans - inhabited the city of Jerusalem around 2500 BC, so they called it Jebus.
The city of Jerusalem was subject to Egyptian Pharaonic influence from the 16th century BC to 14th century BC
The Jewish era (977 - 586 BC, meaning they ruled for 391 years and then were subjected to Babylonian captivity)
Babylonian era (586 - 537 BC)
Persian era (537 – 333 BC)
Greek era (333 - 63 BC)
Jerusalem under Roman rule (63 BC - 636 AD)
The first Islamic era (636 to 1072 AD)
Crusaders 1099 AD-1187 AD
The second Islamic era 1187 AD - 1233 AD
Crusaders again 1233 AD-1244 AD
The Mongol invasion 1244 AD-1259 AD
The Ayyubid Empire 1259 AD - 1517 AD
?How do you make your judgment regarding the stages that the region has gone through 1--1188
The Ottoman Empire from 1517 AD to 1831 AD and from 1840 AD to 1917 AD
The Egyptian state established by Muhammad Ali 1831 AD - 1840 AD
English colonialism 1917-1948 AD
Israel 1948 AD - to the present time