The Nobel Prize in Economics for the year 2023 is awarded to the American Claudia Goldin
The Nobel Prize in Economics for the year 2023 is awarded to the American Claudia Goldin 12513
The Nobel Prize announced, through its official account on the “X” platform, that American Claudia Goldin, a professor at Harvard University, has won the “Nobel Prize” in economics for the current year 2023, for her efforts to enhance understanding of “women’s labor market outcomes.”
Nobel Prize in Economics 2023
The Nobel Committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm stated that the winner, Claudia Goldin, 77 years old, is the third woman to receive this award, as she “enhanced our understanding of the status of women in the labor market.”

Claudia Goldin
The committee said: Claudia Goldin's research has given us new and often surprising insight into the historical and contemporary role of women in the labor market.
For her part, Randi Hjalmarsson, a member of the Nobel Committee, said that Claudia Goldin searched archives and collected data on the United States spanning more than two hundred years, which allowed her to show how and why differences in income and employment rates between men and women developed over the years. the time.
The Nobel Prize in Economics for the year 2023 is awarded to the American Claudia Goldin 1-2516
The "Nobel Prize" in economics was awarded last year to Ben Bernanke, former head of the US Central Bank (Federal Reserve), and his compatriots Douglas Diamond and Philip Debvig, for their work in banks and the necessary rescue operations they carried out during financial crises.
The rationale for awarding the Nobel Prize in Economics 2022 stated that the three experts “have greatly improved our understanding of the role of banks in our economy, especially during financial crises, and also the way financial markets are regulated.”
The committee pointed out that “an important discovery in their research,” which they launched starting in the 1980s, “was to show why avoiding the collapse of banks is vitally important.”
The Nobel Prize in Economics for the year 2023 is awarded to the American Claudia Goldin 1-2517
A photo of the Swedish inventor and millionaire Alfred Nobel - the founder of the award - photo from AFP
Memory of Alfred Nobel
The Economics Prize “In Memory of Alfred Nobel” and established by the Bank of Sweden in 1969 was added to the five traditional prizes (in the categories of Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Arts and Peace).
Nobel Prizes 2023
The Nobel Prizes are accompanied by a financial reward of 11 million Swedish krona (about one million dollars), which is shared in the event of more than one winner, which is the highest nominal value (in Swedish currency) in the history of the award, which extends for more than a century.

Source: websites