1021the exact year the Vikings were in America
Studied for several years by the Norwegian explorer Helge Instad (1899-2001) and his wife, the archaeologist Anne Stine-Insgstad, a small set of buildings identical to those occupied by the Vikings in Iceland and Greenland was unearthed at Anse-aux-Meadows (Newfoundland). The foundations of six houses and the remains of a forge, with numerous slag proving that iron had been manufactured, were unearthed there.
Obtaining a new dating has just determined when the earliest European presence on the American continent dates back, five centuries before Christopher Columbus.
Scientific findings: in 1021, the first European colonies arrived in North America. Since 1960, the date of discovery of the Canadian site in Anse-aux-Meadow, in the northern part of Terre-Neuve, diverse studios in effective places accommodate previous antique implantation in America, and more. Siècles before those who were not allowed to navigate the Genois Christophe Colomb on October 12, 1492. These cars also created the sagas*, and these records and legends developed in the islands of the XIe and XIIe seasons. What about the navigation of these marine areas that are located in the Americas?
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If the special equipment is attached to an apartment in the past 500 minutes for the arrival of these Vikings groups, the tangible moment of this event will come early. Or it will be fixed this year. A new article appeared on October 20 in the Nature Review, an international facility published by Michael W. Dee of the University of Groningen (Pays-Bas) affirmed that it was scheduled to start at 1021 for the installation of these early Viking colonies there. -New. They don't have much money for just 1000 years.
Regions of the Atlantic Nord explores the Scandinaves. The site of the Anse-aux-Meadows se trouve on the peninsula north of Terre-Neuve. The carte montre les principales colonies du Groenland d'où les Scandinaves partis, et les régions qu'ils ont named Helluland, Markland and Vinland. R. Klaarenbeek
To view these results, the results that will be applied to dendrochronological analyzes [set from the beginning of the cruissance of the arbres]. Cells of the morceaux de Bois, venant of the different arbres trois, recuperates in the archaeological contexts related to these Vikings populations of Terre-Neuve. Après after a month that these vegetables are available with a pair of net façons in the metal frames - matériaux non-produit de peuples autochtones de l'époque - this is the examination of the Cernes (that corresponds to this year) Which is a fixation for the 1021 for the coupe. There is a possible return on the presence of traces of laissées on the trois échantillons étudiés at a solar temp at 993 that aurait a product with a radiocarbon photo, don't the "signature" be retrouvée in the surrounding land. When we are at the moment of the coupe, it is necessary to compute the next generation signal from the car's radio, at 29 hours.
From the publication's authors, this date will begin at the beginning of the scientific examination at the first transatlantic apartment on the Colombian traverse. The precédente tentative deposition effect in 2019 on a new equipment is not available to propose a flat screen at temperatures between 1100 and 1200 from around the world.
*The stories contain mythological records of the Scandinavian médiéval littérature. The most important stories concerned with America’s cells appeared in a description of Adam of Breme’s “Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum”, in 1075, as well as in the saga of “Islending Abok”, written by Ari Thorgilsson.
Source: Internet sites