!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period
!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period 11126
The engagement period is considered the period in which the two partners get to know each other, so it is one of the most important periods that they will go through and its impact is very important and one of the most important influences on their decision regarding the future, as it allows them to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, but there may be some obstacles. Which may face those who are about to get married during this period, so we must recognize them and know how to deal with them, so that the engagement period is ideal and successful.
First, we need to know what the courtship period means.
!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period 1-2527
The engagement period is one of the most important stages that those about to get married go through. It is an essential period in all societies, and it may be a tradition in most of these societies in different cultures, with different names, and it may have laws in some societies, especially within a narrow scope such as the family or village, regarding... The duration of the engagement period, as well as the extent of development that the relationship reaches during this period, and its importance is due to its allowing both the young man or the girl to get closer to each other until they get to know each other well and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, as well as his character and characteristics, through the discussions and conversations that take place. Between them, as well as their going through some situations together, and we cannot compare one person’s engagement period to another person’s engagement period, as it is an individual experience even if they are similar in some points. But personal experience is the primary reference and the main factor at this stage, so we cannot set general rules and apply them with the same controls to all relationships. You may find what works for you and another does not, and something may benefit you and not work for others in order to have a successful engagement period, so we This article provides some advice that will help you reduce disagreements during this period, and will also work to increase understanding between you.
First: Honesty between you during the engagement period:
!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period 1--1210
It must be recognized that the engagement period is a transitional stage. It should help us reach marriage, and it is considered one of the most important stages that have a major impact after marriage. Therefore, it is important that neither of you hide any of the facts from the other. If it passes unnoticed in a period... The engagement will be revealed later But at that time, it will be difficult to reach satisfactory solutions, so both parties must deal with complete clarity and transparency so that the consequences will not be difficult in the future, as the goal of this period is to get to know each other and understand each other. This period is the ideal period for frankness, as the longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be.
We will point out to you some things that one of the partners may try to hide, but we advise you not to do so, so that you will live an easier and clearer life without anything that will burden you later or make life difficult for you in the future.

Now here are some examples:
If there are any health problems, for example, it is important to inform the other party about them, so that he does not feel deceived later when he finds out about them, especially if it is a health problem that would threaten your relationship during the engagement period. It may cause a breakup later, so avoid hiding it so that the consequences will not be severe afterwards.
You may find it difficult to tell each other about previous relationships, but what is more important is to make sure that the separation is final, and if one of you encounters any problems related to previous relationships, you must be frank with each other, so that they do not have repercussions after marriage, which will cause major problems and bad consequences. .
Neither of you should feel embarrassed to show that you do not want to eat something. You will live an entire life together, and your partner may continue to prepare this type of food without knowing that you do not like it. This will cause pressure on you with internal conflicts, and a problem may worsen because of it later. That's because you've never expressed your true desire before.
!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period 1--1211
Honesty is the title of a successful relationship and is the key to its continuation, even in the smallest details. If we want an ideal relationship, we must be honest. Lying is one of the biggest factors that may end feelings of love and affection one day. Also, following honesty will show your partner’s true reactions.
Do not paint an imaginative picture of what you can do, but always say only what you can do, so as not to increase your partner’s expectations towards you, which then causes us shock towards you, which causes a feeling of disappointment.
You must be yourself in terms of appearance, and not exaggerate in taking care of yourself and wearing a lot of cosmetics, so that your partner is not surprised by something else after marriage, which would make him feel dissatisfied with your appearance.
Second: What are the types of conversations that take place during the engagement period?
!!For men and women...the most important tips for a successful engagement period 1--1210
Since the main goal of engagement is to get to know each other well and to be exposed to some situations and confront them together, all of which will deepen the relationship, the conversations that take place during this period are among the basic factors that help you achieve this goal. Through these conversations, you can analyze Your partner’s character and inferring his reactions to different situations. This is an ideal opportunity to talk about your opinions and points of view and to express yourself so that your partner can get to know you well and allow him to accept you as you are. There are two types of conversations during this period. The first type is flirting while the other is talking about The future. Spinning is considered one of the basics in this period. As for the future, it is everything related to married life with all its details later, whether it is about the wedding dress. Or preparing the marital nest and even raising children, etc. and more.
Do not be stingy with your feelings for her, as the nature of the female is different from yours. Even though you know that you love her, but she likes to hear this often, you can give free rein to expressing your feelings. This is considered one of the best opportunities you will have to tell her about your feelings and to prove them to her. You can express The happiness you feel because of her presence in your life and near you, as well as how happy you are that a beautiful and creative woman like her will become the mother of your children in the future, and do not just say that, you must work on that as well, this is always the ideal time, so do not postpone it for another time.
Likewise, my lady, do not feel ashamed and try to tell your partner how you feel about him, and how much you love him. If you feel safe with him, you must tell him. Don't think too much and tell him spontaneously what's on your mind, as you are talking to your future husband.
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Talking about wedding preparations may be boring for you as a man, but listening to them with full concentration will make a difference in your relationship. This may not be your concern, but it is one of her biggest concerns and is of great importance to her. It will not cause you any harm if you listen to her and share your opinion with her, but on the contrary. It will help you get along well together.
There may be some details that you consider not important but that will affect your relationship later, such as favorite food and drink, or even your sleeping rituals, and so on, you can talk about each other’s ambitions and the number of children you want to have.

You can avoid disagreements while talking, but not regarding important topics that are necessary in each other's lives. You must learn to discuss calmly and accept each other's opinions with complete frankness so that you do not allow the clash between you to continue.

Source: websites