How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 12582
The right diet helps the child in his academic achievement -
The Turkish website "Acibadem" published a report in which it showed the importance of proper nutrition in improving children's performance in school, reviewing some types of foods that enhance a child's intelligence and thus his school success.
The website said, in its report, which was concluded after translation, that with the beginning of the school year, children’s diet changes and it becomes important for them to eat the correct nutrients in sufficient quantities to ensure the health of their bodies and minds.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1-2684
Studies have shown that growth, development and success in school in children are directly linked to nutrition. For example, milk and yogurt play an essential role in a child's mental development and ability to concentrate, while legumes help improve memory.
In addition, adequate and balanced nutrition at this stage helps children prevent diseases and reduce the risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure in later years. Below are some types of foods that should be part of your child’s diet:
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1-2685
Eggs are considered one of the most important foods in children's nutrition, as they strengthen memory and contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs. They are also a good source of vitamins A, D, and E. You can eat boiled eggs or omelettes with vegetables, cheese, or bread stuffed with eggs, and ensure that your child eats them without getting bored.
Milk and yogurt
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1--1309
Milk and yogurt, which are important sources of protein, are essential foods for growth, development, tissue repair, and strengthening of bones and teeth. Both of them also contain zinc, which enhances mental ability, making your child more successful and active in his studies. Given school-age children's increasing need for energy and the need to obtain a sufficient amount of calcium, children should drink two to three cups of milk or yogurt daily.
Walnuts are known to have an effect on heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, and some types of cancer. In addition to these benefits, the nut, which resembles a brain in appearance, also develops learning functions and strengthens memory. Children who eat walnuts regularly are better able to understand lessons. Therefore, it is beneficial for your child to eat two to three whole walnuts for breakfast or a snack.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1--1310
Whole wheat
Whole wheat, which is characterized by its vitamin B and fiber content, helps prevent sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels and thus prevents the child from feeling sleepy at school. Therefore, whole wheat bread, a slice of cake or a crepe made with whole wheat flour, can be a healthy choice that your child will love and will increase their school success.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1---135
It is important that children get enough iron to avoid disruptions and inability to concentrate in the classroom, which can be caused by iron deficiency. For example, you can add a teaspoon of molasses to your child's breakfast or other snack to benefit from its iron content and increase his success in school. In addition, molasses is also rich in calcium, which makes it beneficial for bone development.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 12583
Red meat
Red meat is rich in protein, in addition to iron and vitamin B12, and it represents the main source of zinc, which plays an important role in the central nervous system and is related to the development of intelligence. It is known that vitamin B12 is beneficial for maintaining memory.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1---529
Research indicates that children's academic performance is lower when their vitamin B12 levels are low. Children should therefore eat red meat two to three times a week. To make the most of the iron present in red meat, it is best to eat a lemon salad rich in vitamin C alongside the meat.
Dried legumes
Dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils are foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals in addition to containing plant proteins. Studies prove that the iron and folic acid found in dried legumes are essential for brain development. It is therefore very important for children to consume dried legumes two to three times a week to improve their memory.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1----404
fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables, which combine vitamins that keep the body healthy and protect it from diseases and fiber that is beneficial for digestive health, regular blood sugar levels and heart health, are a food group that school-age children should definitely eat.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1----406
Children should eat three to four servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Increase the variety of fruits and vegetables and eat a colorful diet. For example, orange or yellow fruits and vegetables that take their color from carotene are important for heart disease and eye health, purple fruits and vegetables that take their color from chlorophyll are important for protecting against cancer.
How to make your child a genius? Foods that enhance intelligence in school... Learn about them 1----407
Fish is good for heart health because it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a good source of high-quality protein, which has a positive effect on intelligence development thanks to its iodine content. To enhance mental performance and prevent heart disease, fish should be eaten two to three times a week.

Source: websites