!Debonair Nero Claudius Drusus Aureus
!Debonair Nero Claudius Drusus Aureus 1----85
Nero Claudius Drusus (38-9 BC). AV aureus (19mm, 7.78g, 2h). NGC AU 5/5 - 4/5. Rome, CA. AD 41-45 NERO CLAVDIVS DRVS GERMANICVS IMP, head of Nero Claudius Drusus left, wreathed in oak / DE GE-R-MA-NIS, two rectangular shields with central armband seen from behind and across in front, vexillium with banner waving, four spears Crossed and two trumpets crossed behind him. Biagi 182 (this coin). Calico 317. RIC I (Claudius I) 73. This coin displays a fine portrait of Claudius' long deceased father, a kind tribute to a much loved and missed man.
Nero Drusus, officially known as Drusus the Great, was a distinguished military leader and political figure of ancient Rome, born in 38 BC to Livia Drusilla and her first husband, Tiberius Claudius Nero. After Livia's subsequent marriage to Emperor Augustus, Drusus became his stepson. Drusus was united in marriage with Antonia Minor, daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia Minor, and had several children, including the future Emperor Claudius I.
Drusus won acclaim through his military expeditions across the Rhine and into Germanic lands between 12 and 9 BC. His conquests were instrumental in expanding Roman dominance over these regions, and fortifying the northeastern borders of the empire. In addition, he is credited with building a fortification network, known as the Wall of Drusus, further confirming his military achievements. While on the political front, Drusus rose to prominent positions, including laudatory, reflecting his rising prominence within the Roman political sphere. His relationship with the soldiers under his command, as well as his military successes, endeared him to the Roman people. Tragically, his life was cut short at the age of 29 due to an injury sustained from a fall from his horse on campaign in Germania in 9 BC.
!Debonair Nero Claudius Drusus Aureus 11245
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus was a Roman nobleman and military leader who lived in the 1st century BC. He was born on January 14, 38 BC. As the son of Livia Drusilla and her first husband, Tiberius Claudius Nero. He is the father of Emperor Claudius, the military leader Germanicus and Livilla, the younger brother of Emperor Tiberius, and grandfather of Emperor Caligula. During his birth, his mother had become the new wife of Emperor Augustus. Three months before his birth, Augustus forced Tiberius Claudius Nero to divorce his mother, and then he married her after divorcing his wife, Scribonia. After his birth, Augustus adopted him and his older brother Tiberius. In about 16 BC, he married the Emperor's niece, Antonia the Younger, and she bore him Germanicus in 15 BC, Livilla in 13 BC, and Claudius in 10 BC. . Nero Claudius Drusus became famous thanks to his victories in Germania, and he was known for being the first Roman commander who was able to occupy Germany and penetrate into it. He fought several tribes of the Cheruscians, the Chocians, and the Sicambrians, and the Roman Senate elected him as consul in 9 BC. With that same campaign, he penetrated deep into Germania and reached the valley of the River Elbe and stopped there due to the coming of winter. This was the maximum Roman incursion into Germania. During his return, he died due to falling from a horse, as mentioned in Roman records. Some later historians, such as Suetonius, suspected that his death was orchestrated by Augustus due to his refusal to return to Rome. After his death, he was greatly honored and given the title Germanicus, or conqueror of the Germans. . Although he was legally the biological son of Tiberius Claudius Nero, his son Claudius was rumored during his reign to be the son of Augustus. Later historians have questioned this claim as to whether Claudius wished to gain greater legitimacy for his rule.

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