? How does ancient and modern Egypt celebrate the winter solstice
? How does ancient and modern Egypt celebrate the winter solstice 12656
Every year, the winter solstice occurs on December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year. But for the ancient Egyptians, this day was the beginning of spring and an increase in the length of the day. They considered it a victory for the sun god Horus over the dark god Set. They built their tombs and temples to coincide with the sunrise on this special day. Recently, Egyptologists discovered a tomb dating back 4,200 years that contains a statue of its owner who receives the rays of the sun every year on this date. The winter solstice is still an occasion for celebration in Egypt and other countries that maintain or are inspired by ancient traditions.
If we contemplate all these holidays, we would think - and some of the suspicion is true - that the ancient Egyptians did not stop celebrating one day a year, which reveals a spirit that loves life and seeks joy.
The holidays in ancient Egypt, recorded by drawings in temples and inscriptions in tombs, presented an important aspect of civilization.

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