Screening of the film “Rhythms of Tamzgha” in Al Hoceima
Screening of the film “Rhythms of Tamzgha” in Al Hoceima 1----201
In continuation of the implementation of its program related to cultural revitalization, entitled “Theatre Brings Us Together” and related to the resettlement of the Thefsoin Theater Troupe at the Prince Moulay El Hassan Cultural Center in the city of Al Hoceima, the Thefsoin Theater Troupe is preparing to screen the film “ Rhythms of Tamzgha ” by its young director, the son of the city of Al Hoceima, Tariq Al Idrissi, in the city’s grand performance hall. On Friday, January 5, 2024, starting at seven in the evening - 19H - this film, which was produced during the year 2023 with support and partnership with a number of institutions, and the film won a number of awards during the course of its participation and screening in a number of national and international film festivals, perhaps the most prominent of which is: Film Clubs Award At the National Film Festival in Tangier in its twenty-third session in November 2023, the Amazigh Culture Award in the film category, the Audience Award at the Author’s Cinema Festival in Rabat, the Excellence Award in New York, the Grand Prize and the award for the best male role at the “Isni n Werg” Festival last month in the Amazigh competition category, in addition to several Other prizes.
Screening of the film “Rhythms of Tamzgha” in Al Hoceima 1----202
Regarding the story of the film, it talks about the character Kino, who suffers from various hallucinations, and is overwhelmed by the passion to find the authentic Amazigh voice, which drives him to explore North Africa in search of endless inspiration. His journey begins from the city of Al Hoceima in Morocco, his birthplace, where he meets his friend Fouad, also a musician. Fouad escapes the constraints of his arranged marriage to join Kino on his journey towards renewed inspiration. During this adventurous stage, they encounter Amina, a journalist who follows the same path, although her intentions remain mysterious and daring: - which is to interview Tuareg warriors - . Then Kino and Fouad will discover Lamina's true purpose, which will force them to face the challenges that await them on their journey with courage.
Screening of the film “Rhythms of Tamzgha” in Al Hoceima 1----644
It is worth noting that the theater program brings us together to settle the Thefsoin troupe at the Prince Moulay El Hassan Cultural Center in Al Hoceima. It was launched in the city beginning in July 2023 and continues for the sixth consecutive season since 2015.

Source : websites