? It has a street named after it... Where did the famous historian Herodotus come from
? It has a street named after it... Where did the famous historian Herodotus come from 1----648
As part of the “Street Story” project, the National Organization for Urban Coordination placed a sign in the name of Herodotus Street, a Greek historian “Greece” who lived between 490 BC and 425 BC. History did not mention any of the details related to Herodotus’ personal life.
Herodotus was born in the city of Halicarnassus, which was a Greek colony on the shore of the Aegean Sea in Asia Minor. Herodotus was raised in the embrace of a rich family of the aristocratic class. It is mentioned that this family opposed the city’s ruler, who exiled them from the city, accompanied by the young Herodotus to the island of Samos. He is twenty years old.
? It has a street named after it... Where did the famous historian Herodotus come from 1----649
The Tale of Herodotus Street
While not much is known about the details of his life, it seems certain that he came from a wealthy aristocratic family in Asia Minor that could afford his education. His writing skill is believed to be evidence of a comprehensive course in the best schools of his time. He wrote in Ionian Greek and was of He is clearly well read, able to travel and seemingly travel at will. He is believed to have served in the army as a hoplite because his descriptions of battle are very accurate and are always told from the point of view of a foot soldier.
Herodotus' Travels
His nomadic life began after leaving his homeland, and he devoted his life to traveling, composing, and writing about philosophy, prose, science, historical events, and wars.
Herodotus then moved between many countries, Greek cities, and others, arriving in Eastern Europe, the lands east of the Mediterranean Sea, the city of Babylon, the northern coast of the Black Sea, and Egypt, then he settled in the city of Athens. He was 35 years old at the time. He spent a long time there, and that trip was one of the most important trips he took.
Then, in the last years of his life, he moved to live in the colony of Thirai, located in the southern part of Italy, and remained there until his death, as he never returned to his homeland after his exile.
? It has a street named after it... Where did the famous historian Herodotus come from 1-603
Herodotus settled between the years 430-425 BC in the city of Therae in southern Italy. Before his death, Herodotus wrote many important works and books, perhaps the most famous of which is the book “Herodotus’ History”, which included a description of the conditions of the country and the people he met during his travels. The book basically included wars between Greece and Persia, and this book was arranged into nine parts. In the first five parts, he talks about the background of the Persian-Greek wars, and in the remaining parts, he talks about the history and events of the wars, and the battles themselves.

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