Scientific research on Egyptian genes
Scientific research on Egyptian genes 1-2890
Conclusion :
All studies have proven that the ancient Egyptians had the same genetic characteristics and natures of Y-DNA and MT-DNA Autosomal SNP'S as the current Egyptians...which means that the current Egyptians are descendants of the ancient Egyptians "finally" after the complete genes of the ancient Egyptians came out to us and we compared them. With current Egyptians..
With proof also that the ancient Egyptians were not black in race or similar accompanying myths..
Modern scientific studies on DNA, anthropometry (measuring the dimensions of the human body), and measurements of eyes, hair, skin, teeth, etc.
I explained that despite all the foreign occupations and migrations to Egypt throughout history, the vast majority of current Egyptians retain the same genetic characteristics of the ancient Egyptians...
The greatest credit for the results went to the ancient Egyptian mummies, which preserved the genetic characteristics of the ancient Egyptians for thousands of years, as if they were a complete anthropological museum that remained like a wall that repelled any attempt to spread any mythical stories about the origins of the Egyptians.
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We can summarize the detailed results of the studies in the following lines:
1- The vast majority of current Egyptians (at least 85%) carry the same genetic characteristics as the ancient Egyptians.
2_ Egyptians (to a very large extent) were not affected by invasions or migrations.. Egyptians are Egyptians, as they were thousands of years ago.
3_Egypt, by virtue of its geography, which made it naturally isolated, was able to establish and consolidate a basic genetic anthropological basis that lasted for thousands of years without any change or influence by any foreign peoples (this is clear in all drawings, mummies, and statues throughout the period of ancient Egyptian civilization... and clear in the results of all modern research and studies of genetic traits For current Egyptians)
4- The genetic traits that some consider foreign to Egyptians, such as white skin, hair color, and colored eyes, are new traits to Egyptians. These traits have actually existed for thousands of years. This means they do not necessarily have to be the result of intermarriage with other peoples. We will find many traits that are It is found in dozens of statues and mummies that still exist today.
* This statement is confirmed by the well-known archaeologist and researcher “Broderick” in his book “The Tree of Human History”

Source: websites