Launching the Amazigh dictionary of important terms in management
Launching the Amazigh dictionary of important terms in management 1----z78
The Amazigh (Arabic-Berber) dictionary was issued under the title “” by the Amazigh Center for Translation and Training in coordination with the Regional Council of Tiznit, and was approved by the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture. This comprehensive glossary is dedicated to formal terms and vocabulary relating to regional communities and their respective areas of expertise, including regional authorities, provinces, municipalities and communities.
The dictionary consists of two main components: the first focuses on the Arabic-Berber dictionary entries, and links terms used by the General Directorate of Regional Communities, Regions, Governorates and Municipalities. The second component is an appendix that provides official documents issued by the regional communities, translated into the Amazigh language.
He emphasized, one of the main contributors to the success of this project, that the dictionary represents the culmination of extensive field research and efforts, and is of great importance as regional communities play a pivotal role in public facilities, which necessitates the implementation of the regulatory framework to grant official status to the Amazigh language and integrate it into public life.
Launching the Amazigh dictionary of important terms in management 1----z78
The ultimate goal of this publication is to promote the Amazigh language at the local level, including government institutions and facilities, while also serving as a functional lexicon for various stakeholders within regional communities, and providing translations of terminology specific to their fields.
This ambitious endeavor is the result of a partnership and collaboration between the Regional Council of Tiznit and the Amazigh Translation and Training Center, seeking to instill the regional importance of the Amazigh language and culture.

Source: websites