The man from Palikao
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It was around the 1950s, by the most fortuitous of coincidences, that a French archaeologist discovered near Palikao, currently Tighenif, a human skull almost in perfect preservation. This skull unearthed about thirty kilometers from Mascara would in fact revolutionize very deeply rooted beliefs in the mind and shake many certainties. Until then, it was taken almost everywhere in scientific circles for granted that man, that the human species came into existence three or four million years ago. However, this skull would call everything into question since it was carbon dated and indicated 8 million years old.
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Humans lived on these lands 80,000 centuries ago! It'll make your head spin. The researcher who must have been extremely excited by such a find will not dig up other specimens, a sign that the Palikao man was an isolated fisherman or hunter, in any case very far from his community at the time of his death. . But this also means, once there is a human presence, that the site in these immemorial times was provided with water points, that it was even covered with abundant, even luxuriant vegetation and that it must have been certainly very gamey.
In other words, and without making any shortcuts, that a savannah and a jungle did indeed exist in the Mascara region. The presence of elephants, hippos and rhinoceroses would not be impossible. In short, until the 1950s, the dean of humanity was Mascarean. It's not a joke, it's a reality.
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An ongoing reality for a few more years until a scientific mission discovered another skull in Tanzania, but much older, dating back 11 million years. Suzy is the name that will be given to her, thus stealing the spotlight forever from the man from Palikao. Mascara's grandpa therefore had an even older grandpa of 3 million years.

Source: websites