?Do you know why I celebrate yanayer
?Do you know why I celebrate yanayer 1-678
I don't celebrate it just because my grandparents celebrated it, or because my neighbors or friends celebrated it. I don't celebrate it, and I don't celebrate because it was designated as a paid holiday, finally. The logic of politics changes with the change of regimes and ideologies, and how unfair and excluding this history has been before, in the media and teaching, and I do not celebrate because an old man with a long beard issued a fatwa declaring its permissibility or obligation, so I am not one of those who are stubborn.
I celebrate January because it is historical, because it is evidence of my existence that distinguishes me from others who celebrate their history and reject my celebration of mine. I celebrate it because it is my identity, which some identities have tried to deny, intentionally, out of ignorance, or fanaticism. I celebrate it because it is evidence of my heritage and my relationship with this land. I celebrate it because history is more important. My components that the various colonialisms tried to erase unjustly and aggressively
?Do you know why I celebrate yanayer 1----761
I celebrate it because it is the memory of a nation, and there is no nation without memory. I celebrate it because it has all the beauty and originality.
I celebrate it to share my wishes and prayers with my family, my clan, and my people. I celebrate it to sing for nature, for joys, for noble feelings. I celebrate to make happiness.
It is celebrated in recognition of the generations that have provided human thought with experience, wisdom, and authentic knowledge in the philosophy of life, living, and the relationship with nature, with all who and what is in it.
Celebrate it to restore the relationship between man and the land from which he came and took over.
?Do you know why I celebrate yanayer 1----z80
I celebrate it because it is the only calendar that takes you from numbers and empty slogans to hard work supported by joy and optimism. To serve the ground on which you stand, the ground that if you serve honors you and sets you free. I do not enslave you. Yggth Matta Annig.. Annig Ondernig. (Ygeth matta ennigh innigh awendernigh).

Source: websites