Space secrets...a new discovery on Mars
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The Red Planet, day after day, we discover a lot about it, and the secrets continue to flow thanks to the ongoing missions of the American Space Agency, NASA. Sometimes it is discovered that there is water on its surface, and also unconfirmed images show what appears to be an object or small pyramids above the body of the Red Planet.
In a new discovery, a high-resolution imaging science instrument, located on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, captured a strange image of a crater 15.42 meters wide above the surface of the Red Planet.
Planet Mars
NASA experts believed that the crater was formed as a result of a space impact or event that occurred 3 years ago.
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Meanwhile, experts confirmed to the Space website, which specializes in space, that the object responsible for creating this hole may be small in size and do not exceed one and a half meters in diameter.
As a specialist in space affairs revealed to the Space website, the possibility of basalt rock being released from the location of the hole due to the influence on the color of the materials next to the hole, and there may be ice.
A new discovery on Mars
This picture of the crater appeared after NASA published it online, in cooperation with the University of Arizona, this month, even though the crater was spotted last April.
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NASA said in a post on the social networking site Twitter: “A new impact crater appeared on the surface of Mars, formed between September 2016 and February 2019 at the latest, and what makes it clear is the dark material exposed under the reddish dust.”

Source: websites