King Tutankhamun's chair
King Tutankhamun's chair 1-680
You may think that it is an ordinary inscription, but it tells many, many details about the chair of King Tutankhamun. His name was not initially Tutankhamun. As we see in the cartouche, his name is (Tutankhaten), as the inscription represents the period in which Tutankhamun lived in Tel Amarna before his return again. To Luxor and his agreement to practice the various worships that his father Akhenaten had banned in agreement with the priests of Amun in exchange for his return to Luxor and changing his name from Tutankhaten to be Tutankhamun and the return of religious rites and rites once again that his father Akhenaten had banned. Every trace behind it is a story and this is the most beautiful thing in Egyptian civilization, not just. Only stones or inscriptions soon at the Grand Egyptian Museum

Source: websites