The Great Pyramid ...
The Great Pyramid ... 11270
When its construction is completed
For about 4,000 years, there has never been a building on the face of the entire Earth like this construction miracle that the people of Kemet created with their knowledge and skills.
There was a branch of the Nile that reached the Pyramids Plateau, and there was a funeral temple built to pray for the deceased and hold a memorial ceremony before his burial.
The pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile, which represents the afterlife when the sun sets
The pyramid was completely covered with a smooth layer of limestone that came from the quarries of Tura
The pyramid reflected the rays of the sun during the day, so those entering the city of Heliopolis and Memphis could see them from a great distance
At night, it reflects the moon's rays and looks like a beacon guiding the departed to the land of Kemet
The world is still confused about how the Egyptians built the pyramid, how they were the beacon of knowledge for all the inhabitants of the earth, and how their descendants became so weak, ignorant, and humiliated.
The story of the Great Pyramid is a great chapter in the book of human history. It tells about the people who inhabited the Nile Valley and were the torch that lit the darkness of the world.

Source: websites