The cemetery is haunted, there are goblins inside it and there are living people
The cemetery is haunted, there are goblins inside it and there are living people 1-2914
?Where did you get this beauty, my lady, the beautiful _eyes_of_Princess_Nefert
The eyes are inlaid with alabaster, the corneas are inlaid with quartz, and the rock crystal iris is inlaid with copper
When Merit Pasha discovered this cemetery, he asked the workers to pierce the wall to see what was behind it. After they pierced it, they lit the torches to see what was behind the wall.
The lights of the torches were reflected in Nofert’s eyes, and the statue seemed alive, looking at the viewer. The workers came out shouting, “The cemetery is inhabited, there are goblins inside it, there are living people.”
Neferet was buried with her husband in Mastaba 16 in Meidum. In 1871 by Daninos, beautiful statues of Rahotep and Nofret were found. Nofret is depicted with a black wig and a very honest face. Her titles in hieroglyphics on the back of her chair she calls “King’s Knowledge.” The statues are now in the Cairo Museum. The couple's mastaba contained two burial chambers and two worship chapels. The southern cult church belonged to Rahotep, the northern one to Nofret. Here she is depicted with Rehotep in front of a sacrificial table. The inscription above the scene provides it with a second title: miteret (translation unknown today).

Source: websites