Nebuchadnezzar, Bukhatnezzar, or Bakhtareshah:
Nebuchadnezzar or Bakhtareshah: 1--1463
They are all names of the same greatest figure known to Babylonian history in ancient Iraq, who represents one of the most powerful and mighty kings and titans of the earth. He was known for being Nebuchadnezzar, a wise man and a war leader who loved building and construction.
He is also considered among the list of the four kings who ruled the earth from east to west
In the period preceding the sixth century BC, Babylon was suffering from decline and disintegration due to the weakness of the state
After Nebuchadnezzar took power, the Babylonian Empire regained its prosperity, glory, and control with periods of strength and greatness.
His campaigns against the ancient Egyptians recorded a resounding echo in the history of the ancient world after he seized parts of Palestine, entered Jerusalem twice, took all the prominent Jews captive to Babylon, broke all the conspiracies and strife that fought against him, and destroyed their thrones. History wrote about him as being the greatest king in the Near East of his time.

A brief book on the history of Iraq (The History of Ancient Iraq), Part 3