Belzoni Temple
Belzoni Temple 1--284
In a creative and wonderful snapshot from the days of great civilization, Belzoni, the Italian explorer, entered the temple of King Seti I in Abydos in 1817 and saw this wonderful mural, so he named this temple after him, “The Temple of Belzoni.”
He said it was my favorite temple,
I wish I knew who this man and this woman were who brought this great love together and when Champollion came to Egypt and after he was able to decode the hieroglyphic language in 1822.
He visited the temple and was able to find out who this man was after he read the cartouche and knew from the writing on the walls that he was the great king of Egypt.
She is Hathor, the goddess of love, beauty and life. Champollion decided to take this wonderful mural to France and put it in the Louvre Museum.
Hathor, a prose of beauty and love, presents to the young king, Seti I, her “protective talisman,” which protects the king from his enemies and gives him goodness and happiness.
The Egyptian artist painted a wonderful picture of the unity between man and the divine beings, or as we call them today, angels.
He expressed Heaven's satisfaction for Kemet, its people, and its land in the most intimate terms. Here, it means the extent of Heaven's love for Egypt and its people, and the sanctity of the land of Egypt, above the rest of the countries of the world.
The Holy Land is this land and the image of heaven on earth
Egypt is a great country, an honorable people, and a holy land

Source: websites