Atlanteans or Atlanticists
Atlanteans or Atlanticists 11274
The great Greek historian Herodotus, known as the Father of History, said in 500 BC when describing the western part of the country of the Amazighs (or Libyans, the name by which they were known in ancient times): “There is a mountain called Atlas, and the inhabitants of this region consider Atlas to be the pillar of the sky. Its shape is precise and precise.” It is circular on all sides and very high, to the point that it is said that it is difficult to see its peaks, because the clouds always cover them, whether during the summer or the winter, and this mountain is attributed to these people who are called the Atlanteans. >> Source: Herodotus’ hadiths about the Libyans.
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As for the French historian Gabriel Camp, who specializes in the history of the Amazighs, he says in response to the origin of the Amazighs, about which there are conflicting opinions and theories based on myths, often coming from the invaders and not the local people. The Greeks claimed that the Amazighs were of Trojan origin, and some of them claimed that they were from the Medieval Persians, and in the Islamic period they claimed Some of the narrators trace the Canaanite Persian origin of the Amazighs, and some of them attribute them to the Arabs of Yemen, and the goal is only to win over the Amazighs and attract them. Gabriel confirms in his book Amazigh Memory and Identity, saying: <<And the truth is that some scholars easily lead to solving this issue (the origin of the Amazighs), as they say that the Amazighs They are simply the remains of the Atlantes people
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The bottom line is that everything in us is Atlantic. Atlantic blood flows through our veins, the Atlantic Ocean surrounds us, and the high Atlas Mountains share the same geography with us. The free Atlantic man is the one who has the heart of the Atlas lion and is not subject to any foreign ideology or thought that seeks to discipline him. In a culture to which he does not belong, it is enough for you, O Atlantean, to be proud that your holy land is the home of the oldest rational human being, to whom all human beings belong. Our land was sought after by all hearts, to the point that the Greeks considered it the birthplace of their gods and the site of their paradise, the Hesperides.
Admiration for the Atlas countries has always been a source of greed for invaders in ancient times.
Lion-shaped Atlas Mountain in Tafraout, Morocco
Even our mountains bear witness that North Africa is a country of lions...

Source: websites