Statue of Memnon
Statue of Memnon 1-2926
They are two huge statues that were created around the year 1350 BC. They are all that remains of a temple in memory of King Amenhotep III.
They belong to King Amenhotep III, one of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, which is the most powerful ruling family in ancient Egyptian history.
The story of magic: It was said about the two statues that they were inhabited by jinn and ghosts because they were making sounds during sunset and sunrise. It turned out that these sounds were the result of holes in the statues, and this sound stopped when one of the Roman emperors issued an order to fill these holes.
Their size: The statue reaches 19 meters in height
Reason for the name: The Greeks gave them the name (Memnon) when the eastern statue of them cracked and produced a sound that they compared to the legendary hero (Memnon) who was killed in the Trojan wars.
Amenhotep III (sometimes written Amenophis III) was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and one of the greatest rulers of Egypt in history. He ruled Egypt in the period between (1391 BC - 1353 BC) or (1388 BC - 1351 BC)
In the early years of his reign, Amenhotep III was interested in sports, especially hunting and hunting, as he was a great hunter. A scarab was found for him, recording that he captured a hundred wild bulls in a royal hunting trip that lasted two days. Another scarab he issued in the tenth year stated that since his accession to the throne, he had killed 102 lions. On fishing trips. He showed little interest in military operations, as Amenhotep III faced some unrest in the fifth year of his rule in the country of Kush (Nubia), but the fighting was taking place with a small group of rebels. After he defeated them, he expanded his kingdom until he reached the Fourth Cataract. A memorial to this campaign was written near the rocks of Konosu Island in Nubia. His campaign against Nubia was also described on a stela of semena, which is now in the British Museum.

Source: websites