Versailles is well worth a coin.
Versailles is well worth a coin. 1--287
Louis XIV authorized Molière to play “Tartuffe” on February 1, 1669.
The play had been banned since 1664, considered an offensive satire on religion.
After pleading his case with the king, Molière finally obtained the right to reperform the play five years later.
Illustration: Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), Louis XIV and Molière lunching at Versailles, 1837, Library-museum of the Comédie-Française, Paris.
To go further: Gustave Larroumet, “Molière and Louis XIV”, Revue des Deux Mondes, 1886, freely accessible here:
355 years to the day, February 1, 1669.

Source: websites