!! Prince Nimlot's bracelet
!! Prince Nimlot's bracelet 1----224
Prince Nimlot is one of the sons of King Sheshenq I, who ruled Egypt during the period between 943-922 BC, in the era of the Twenty-Second Dynasty.
Prince Nimlot was a military leader who held many titles, including: Superintendent of the Army and Commander of the Infantry.
Nimelot the Great, or as he was known to the ancient Egyptians, Nimrod of Libya, leader of the Meshwash tribes, one of the ancient Libyan tribes. According to Egyptian references, their origins go back to one of the coastal tribes in present-day Libya. The Libyan groups mentioned in Egyptian sources settled the eastern part of Libya, and their original homeland was located in the area The Gulf of Sirte during the late Egyptian dynasty, the Twenty-first Dynasty. Nemelot the Elder is primarily known as the father of the founder of the Twenty-Second Dynasty of Egypt, Pharaoh Shosheng I. Therefore, his family was known to those interested in ancient Egyptian history as the Libyan family.
This bracelet of Prince Nimlot is made of gold and was originally decorated with lapis lazuli.
It was found in San Al-Hajar in Al-Sharqiya Governorate, and is now located in the British Museum in London!!
Nemelot the Great, or Nimrod the Libyan, was the son of the Meshwesh leader Shoshenq the Great and Nemelot's mother was Mahtenwishet I, and also a brother of the Egyptian 21st Dynasty pharaoh. Osorkon the Elder. His first wife, named Tanbeh, gave birth to Sheshenq I, who later became a pharaoh and founder of the Twenty-Second Egyptian Dynasty.

When Nimlot the Elder died, his son Sheshenq I inherited the title of commander and leader of the Meshwash tribes. Nimlot and his wife were mentioned as being related to the mother of the Libyan Pharaoh Sheshenq I in the Hor Basin painting.
The bracelet bears the image of a child idol, believed to represent the god Harpocrates, who is protected by two snakes believed to represent the female deities Wadjet and Nekhbet, the protectors of Upper and Lower Egypt.
It shows Harpocrates sitting on a blue lotus flower.

Source: websites