Columbus egg
Columbus egg 2---35
One day, the famous discoverer Christopher Columbus was invited to a dinner in the presence of the King of Portugal, and many of the attendees harbored envy, maliciousness, and hostility towards him for the position he had reached and for his unparalleled success.
While everyone was eating, Columbus liked to play with the audience, so he ate a boiled egg that was on the table in front of him, and asked those present: Who among you can stand this egg vertically on the table?
So each one of them started trying to make her stand vertically, but all their attempts failed, so they asked him: Can you? Columbus only removed the shell from one end of the egg and leaned it horizontally on it. They said to him in one voice: We could have done what you did. He answered them calmly: Why didn't you?
The phrase “Columbus’ egg” has become a common proverb that is said when someone accomplishes something, and the incapable begin to criticize and say: If we wanted, we could do that.
The successful person is the person who does what others do not do. There are many professions, but those who succeed in them are few. The successful person always possesses a sense of initiative, and does not follow others in their slumber, pessimism, and surrender...

Source: websites