?Tamazight_inscriptions_very_important. Why
?Tamazight_inscriptions_very_important. Why 1-2928
(1) They are important because they are Berber inscriptions... and the language that was used to write them is the Berber language. It was not used to write different languages, such as Latin and Arabic letters. The sounds they represent are the sounds of the Amazigh language. If you try to read it, you will only find in it Amazigh words and structures, no matter how much you are able to read these inscriptions... Tifinagh inscriptions are Berber through and through. Thus, it is a signature of the people of the Tamazgha land on their stones on the Berber language of the Tamazgha land.
(2) The Tifinagh inscriptions are the oldest inscriptions in North Africa: scholars agree that archaeological evidence indicates that the oldest of these inscriptions (which we have discovered so far) testify that the beginning of their use was at least 1000 years BC, that is, before the Phoenician occupation of some coasts. Northern North Africa in the ninth century BC, and before the Roman occupation in the third century BC. Thus, it is a signature of the people of the Tamazgha land on their stones on the Berber language of the Tamazgha land.
(3) Tifinagh inscriptions are the only inscriptions that are spread everywhere in North Africa: inscriptions of the Phoenician and Roman occupiers are spread in the sites they occupied in the northern ports, and Hebrew inscriptions are spread in very limited places where Jewish groups were present. Semi-auristic inscriptions are spread in a few locations in the Canary Islands... Tifinagh inscriptions are the only inscriptions that are spread everywhere in North Africa: in its north and south, in its east and west, in its center and its outskirts, in its mountains and plains, in its ancient cities and the unknown. Atiq read it. Thus, it is a signature of the people of the Tamazgha land on their stones on the Berber language of the Tamazgha land.
(4) The ancient Tifinagh inscriptions are not ambiguous and cannot be read like the writings of the Dadanites. Amateurs manipulate their meanings as they please. They are not ambiguous like the hieroglyphic writings of the Egyptians. Scholars appreciate their meanings. They are not non-existent as the letters used by ancient Indo-European were non-existent. Scholars have not recovered them except by comparison. Indo-European languages to each other. However, the ancient Tifinagh inscriptions are clear and in clarifying them we only need to use a sober scientific and philological method, and they are specific and in determining their meanings we only need to study the scope of their consistent use. They exist in a large number, today numbering tens of thousands of inscriptions. Thus, it will be a signature of the people of the land of Tamazgha on their stones on the Amazigh language of the land of Tamazgha.
(5) The history of Tifinagh is not like the history of hieroglyphs, which began as pictorial, then turned into a hybrid phonetic system, the Horatian system, and then disappeared to be replaced by Greek letters... The history of Tifinagh began with the Sahrawis imitating the shapes of the distribution of stars in Orion’s constellation, then it developed itself by replacing the dots that represented Star formations with lines, then the lines were combined to eliminate confusion in reading, then its shape was developed in the present time to meet the standards of geometric harmony that facilitates printing and digitization... The history of Tifinagh is unique and unparalleled, distinct and unparalleled... and thus it is a signature from the people of the land of Tamazgha above Their stones reflect the nature of the Amazigh mind that produced them.
?Tamazight_inscriptions_very_important. Why 2-----33
(6) The Tifinagh regime is the only regime that found itself fighting real enemies, defeating them and then defeating them all. His enemies fought him, starting with the claim that it was a French industry with no history, so the science of archeology bombarded the ears of his enemies with thousands after thousands of discoveries until his enemies were humiliated and petty. Then they fought it by claiming that it was not suitable for writing and reading, so Al-Arkham bombarded the ears of its enemies with the news that this font had obtained an international Unicode, allowing it to be used digitally and in print at the international level, and its enemies were humiliated and humbled. Then they fought him by claiming that it was a script borrowed from the Phoenicians or from the Levant. The scholars bombarded the ears of his enemies with conclusive and conclusive scientific evidence proving the authenticity of this script and its superiority over others. His enemies only increased in humiliation and pettiness.
These are some of the features of Tifinagh inscriptions that those who love them are proud of and which only add distress and embarrassment to the heart of those who hate them {as if they were ascending into the sky}.. These are outwardly a sign of psychological defeat and inwardly a sign of humiliation and smallness.
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