Guelmim hosts the activities of the Second Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region
Guelmim hosts the activities of the Second Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region 1----316
On Friday, February 16, 2024 and Saturday, February 17, 2024, the Excellence Technical High School and the Hamza Hotel in Guelmim will host the works of the Second Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, under the slogan: Artistic and Architectural Heritage in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region: Cultural heritage in the service of development .
The second session of the Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, organized by the Bouizkarn Association for Development and Culture in partnership with the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Sector and in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in Guelmim and the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Culture in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region. To open a scientific and academic discussion about the tangible cultural heritage in the region, especially what is related to arts and architecture, and to study ways to value it and make it an essential lever for sustainable development in the region, and to integrate it as a basic dimension in the development plans of the various groups in the region, and to strengthen the capabilities of the various actors and those involved in managing, valuing and marketing this heritage.
Guelmim hosts the activities of the Second Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region 1----316
The program for the first day of the forum includes two training workshops for the benefit of female and male students of the Technical Excellence Secondary School in Guelmim: the first workshop on “mechanisms for integrating the artistic and architectural heritage into school education”: facilitated by Professor Hassan Tikbdar, and the second workshop on: “ mechanisms for managing, valuing and marketing the artistic and architectural cultural heritage in the Wadnoun region in service of the objectives.” “ Developmental .” Framed by Mr. Rashid Siddiq.
As for the second day’s work, a regional symposium will be organized on “ The Artistic and Architectural Heritage of the Guelmim-Ouednoun Region, Promising Qualifications and Opportunities for Development ,” with the participation of an elite group of specialized professors and researchers interested in heritage, history, and antiquities. The symposium’s topics will focus on discussing a group of topics:
“Urban Landscapes in the Oued Noun Basin: Research into Sustainability and Rehabilitation Opportunities”
“Ahawash Ait Baamrane: intangible heritage that needs to be valued”
“Oasis architecture in Oued Noun and ways to achieve sustainable development”
“Cultural heritage in the service of development: the experience of the Fez-Meknes region as a model.”
Guelmim hosts the activities of the Second Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region 1----316
It should be noted that the Regional Forum for Cultural Industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region is consistent in its goals and ambitions with the requirements of the new development model in its cultural aspect. It also represents an extension of a group of demonstrations organized by the “ Boizkarn Association for Development and Culture ” with the support of the Ministry of Culture, especially the regional forums for Amazigh and Hassania culture, and the first edition of the regional forum for cultural industries in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, which sought to identify the importance of this heritage, its location and its role in the cultural fabric. And the social community in the Wadnoun region.

Source: websites