Maya was an important figure during the reign of the Pharaohs
Maya was an important figure during the reign of the Pharaohs 1-694
Maya was an important figure during the reign of the pharaohs Tutankhamun, Ay, and Horemheb of the Eighteenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. Maya titles include: Superintendent of Works at the Place of Truth (Deir el-Medina), Superintendent of the Treasury, and Head of the Festival of Amun at Karnak. In Saqqara, between 1330 and 1310 BC, the Maya built a magnificent small tomb for himself and his wife Merit. It is a tomb with decorations and drawings of more than exceptional quality.
Maya's father's name was Ewi and he is referred to as "the High One" in the Maya tomb. His father was married to Wirit and Hanutyuno. Wirit was his biological mother, but she died when she was young, so it is believed that Hanutyunu raised him. He had three brothers: Nakht, who held the title of "Royal Clerk of the Treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands," Barenifer, who held the titles of "Overseer of the Archers" and "Overseer of the Horses," and Nahu-hir, who was a royal scribe, and appears in several scenes in the Maya and Merite tombs. Maya was married to Merit who was a singer for Amun and they had two daughters Maya-Minti and Tjao en Maya.
Maya probably grew up in the royal court of Amenhotep III. The beginning of his career was in the time of Akhenaten. Maya himself may have been one of Akhenaten’s courtiers. He was a high-ranking person, and had important jobs and titles. He was called “May” and owned tomb No. 14 in Tell el-Imrana.
However, Maya has been famous since the time of Tutankhamun. As superintendent of the treasures and the state treasury, he was also an important official and was famous for restoring the burials of several former pharaohs in the royal necropolis in the years following the deaths of Tutankhamun and Ay. It is possible that he himself left a handwritten text in the tomb of Tuthmosis IV stating that he was commissioned to restore the tomb of this king. The Maya also helped restore traditional cults and restore temples after the end of Akhenaten's reign.

Source: websites