The devil Pazuzu
The devil Pazuzu 2---16
The history of ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia) is filled with many deities that are countless, and in most cases they may reach thousands of deities and small numbers of demons and souls who are not righteous or who were not buried in the appropriate way and offering sacrifices to them or who violated the orders of the gods during their lives. As well as the righteous spirits whose job may have been to protect deities. However, the world of demons in ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia) is little or limited in understanding. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that researchers, whether ancient or modern, did not study or organize it like what happened with deities. Iraq.
Pazuzu is a demon in Mesopotamian mythology who rides the hot wind coming from the desert in search of water. He has the head of a demon, the wings of an eagle, the body of a human, the limbs of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. The scorpion symbolized the sons of the dragon Tiamat, whom Assyria killed at the beginning of the universe and made water and dry land from it in the Genesis epic. The first is Enuma Elish, from which the Biblical Book of Genesis was taken, according to modern studies
He was cast in a Hollywood film in 1973, entitled The Exorcist, and his story revolves around a girl dressed as Pazuzu during Father Mirren’s excavations in one of the Assyrian sites in Mosul, and after finding a statue of Pazuzu, he receives a call from the United States of America that a girl needs a spell to expel a demon from her body. You might wear it Father Merin travels from Mosul to the United States of America to perform this spell, and finds that the devil wearing the girl is the same devil whose statue was found in the city of Assyria during its excavation.

the reviewer :
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Kurt Rudolf - Evolution and Creation in Mandaean Texts. Translated by Dr. Sabih Madloul. Baghdad . 1994 - p. 69
The Exorcist - Movie - 1973 - Cast, video, trailer, photos, artistic criticism, show dates, archived from the original on October 27, 2018, accessed on June 27, 2017