Another woman ruled Babylon after Semiramis
Another woman ruled Babylon after Semiramis 1----379
Did you know
That there was another woman who ruled Babylon after Semiramis
The Greek historian Herodotus mentions in his famous writings about a queen named (Nitocris) who ruled Babylon in ancient Iraq and attributed to her great works in building and construction, especially irrigation and dams, the most important of which was a vast reservoir for the inhabitants of the Babylonian region and the diversion of the Euphrates course at Babylon in ancient Iraq...
Unfortunately, there is very little information available about this queen, and even her lineage is unknown, but the Greek historian Herodotus confirms that her son was the last king of Babylon before its fall.
Nictorha (Niktorha in the Chaldean language or Nictoris in Greek) is the daughter of the Chaldean-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, and she is the wife of the Chaldean-Babylonian king Nebu-Nid, who assumed power in Babylon after Labshi Marduk was deposed from power, the son of King Nereglisar.
She is the mother of King Belshazzar, son of Nebo-Ned, who assumed kingship in Babylon in the absence of his father Nebo-Ned, and the mother of Nebuchadnezzar III.

Herodotus Encyclopedia
Book One / Pages 184 and 188