The earth was immersed in darkness and ignorance
The earth was immersed in darkness and ignorance 1----242
Homo sapiens (scientific name: Homo sapiens) is the only remaining species of the genus Homo sapiens, and it is the only rational person who possesses - unlike the rest of the animals on Earth - a highly developed brain, capable of abstract thinking, using language, pronunciation, internal self-reflection, and giving solutions to problems. which he faces.
Not only that, but the human being has an upright body with articulated upper and lower limbs that are easy to move and work in complete coordination with the brain. This is a characteristic that makes the human being the only living being on the planet who can employ his mental and physical abilities and use his hands skillfully to make the precise and imprecise tools that he needs in his life. Daily. It also has a complex larynx structure that helps it speak.
The "Neolithic Revolution", which began in southwest Asia about 14,000 years ago (and separately in a few other places), saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement. As the population increased and population density increased, forms of government developed within and between societies, a number of civilizations rose and some kingdoms became extinct. Homo sapiens has continued to expand, with a global population of over 8 billion as of 2022.
The study of fossils and analysis of mitochondrial DNA has shown evidence that humans were in Africa about 300,000 years ago.
Now humans inhabit all continents and low Earth orbits, with a total number of up to 7.8 billion people, according to 2021 statistics.
The earth was immersed in darkness and ignorance 1-168
Although it was a long period, it is called the prehistoric era. The reason is that writing was not invented, as there was no recording of historical events. In this regard, the French archaeologist Jean Botero states that the earth was immersed in darkness and ignorance until the emergence of civilization in Iraq, after which a new phase began. In life, humanity was transported to the era of science and development
For this reason, Iraq is called the cradle of civilizations

The Book of Mesopotamia by Jean Botero/page 5