Hymn to Sun poem
Hymn to Sun poem 1-2947
The Hymn to Sun is an ancient Mesopotamian poem glorifying Sun, the sun god, who was also associated with justice and righteousness in Babylonian and Assyrian pantheons. The hymn not only glorifies Sun's role as light of the world but also emphasizes his position as arbiter of justice and truth.
The story or content of the anthem can be summarized as follows:
The song begins with a tribute to Sun, celebrating his radiance and the universal reach of his light. It describes how Sun rises from the mountains in the east, casting his rays on the earth, and how all beings awaken and stand before him in reverence.
The narrative then turns to Sun's role as judge and giver of laws. He talks about how he ascends to the heavens to issue judgments and cast his gaze on the earth. sun is depicted as one who sees everything, even hidden and secret things, and nothing can escape his observation. It brings justice to all, supports the oppressed, and ensures the supremacy of truth.
The song also describes Sun's journey across the sky and his setting in the west. Although he departs from the sky at dusk, his laws and orders remain in place, maintaining order and justice in the world.
Furthermore, the song appeals to Sun for guidance and personal support. The speaker asks for Sun's blessing, guidance in making just decisions, and protection from falsehood and sin. It is a personal appeal that presents the relationship between God and believer, highlighting the moral and ethical expectations placed on individuals.
Finally, the Hymn to Sun is a testament to the central role of the sun god in Mesopotamian religion and society, embodying the ideals of justice, truth, and righteousness that were fundamental to the civilization's legal and social systems.
Excerpt from the Hymn to Sun:
“O Sun, you climb the mountains observing the earth,
You are hanging from the sky, the circle of ar
“You care about all the peoples of the lands,
And everything that Ea, the King of Counselors, created is entrusted to you.
Everything that has a soul takes care of it without exception.
You are their guardian in the upper and lower regions.
Regularly and without interruption roaming the heavens,
Every day you cross the vast land...
Shepherd of that which is below, guardian of that which is above,
You, Sun, direct, you are the light of all things.
You never fail to cross the wide expanse of the sea,
The depth that the Igigi do not know.
Sun, your glare reaches the abyss
Even the monsters of the deep see your light...
Of all the Ijiji there is none who toil like you,
No one is above you in the entire pantheon of gods.
At your sunrise the gods of the earth gather,
Your intense glare covers the ground.
Of all the lands with different languages,
You know their plans, you examine their ways.
All humanity bows to you,
Sun, the universe longs for your light
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