Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Sabians fasted for 30 days and now forbid fasting
Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Sabians fasted for 30 days and now forbid fasting 1---1127
Muslims around the world celebrate the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, as the holy month witnesses the performance of the obligation of fasting , which is one of the five pillars of Islam, as millions of Muslims gather daily throughout the holy month of Ramadan to perform the obligation of fasting, obedience to God, and Tarawih prayers.
The followers of the “Sabian” religion are spread in Iraq and Iran, and it is said that they lived in Jerusalem, and after AD they were expelled from Palestine and migrated to the city of Harran, and from there they migrated to Iraq and Iran. They live in the areas of the marshes and Shatt al-Arab, and they are numerous in the cities of Amara, Nasiriyah, Basra, and Qal’at Saleh. , Halfaya, Al-Zakiyah, Suq Al-Shuyoukh, and Al-Qurnah. As for Iran, they live on the banks of the Karun and Al-Riz Rivers, and in the coastal cities of Iran, and no lineage has been determined for them in terms of their population in these places.
Fasting in civilizations and religions.. The Sabians fasted for 30 days and now forbid fasting 2----49
According to the Encyclopedia of Religions, today’s Sabians prohibit fasting. Because it is out of prohibition of what God has permitted.
Fasting among the Sabians was of two types: the great fast: which includes fasting from major sins and bad morals, and the small fast in which they abstain from eating permissible meat for a period of (32) separate days throughout the year.
Ibn al-Nadim, who died in the year (385) AH, said in his index, and Ibn al-Abri, who died in the year (685) AH, in his book Mukhtasar al-Dawla, stated that fasting was obligatory on them for thirty days of each year.

The Sabean-Mandaeans consider fasting the fifth pillar, and they have two types of it. The first is abstaining from eating and drinking, and the number of its days is 33 distributed throughout the year, and fasting is done before holidays. The second type is abstaining from all forbidden and immoral acts, and abstaining from words and deeds in the heart, mind, and conscience. He must beware of actions that violate this fast on his own behalf, until the purpose and goal of fasting is achieved, as they put it.

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