The Amazigh Teachers Association in the North Region demands that the quota for the announced positions be completed
The Amazigh Teachers Association in the North Region demands that the quota for the announced positions be completed 2-47
The Association of Amazigh Language Teachers in the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region called on the Ministry of National Education to cover the quota announced in the recruitment competitions for this season, which is set at 600 positions.
In this context, Abdel Aziz Touzani, president of the association, in a statement to the “Akhbar Al-Rif” website, called on the Ministry of National Education to urgently “conduct an exceptional competition to complete the quota for the teaching staff specializing in the Amazigh language in the primary education field (600 positions), which the Ministry announced in its communication on Sunday. November 24, 2023.
Touzani added, “This request comes with urgency based on several considerations, including what is educational related to the teaching system and dissemination of the Amazigh language, and what is administrative and institutional related to the government’s promises in its regulatory law 26.16, and the ministry in its communication about fulfilling the number of positions allocated this year for the Amazigh language (match Access to the regional codes for education and training professions (November 24, 2023).
The Amazigh Teachers Association in the North Region demands that the quota for the announced positions be completed 2--75
The same spokesman stressed that “all of this comes in the context of what resulted from the written competition, which resulted in the success of a small number of candidates who did not reach the number announced by the Ministry, knowing that this number will become less after the oral competition.”
In order to preserve the principle of equal opportunities for candidates and linguistic equality between (Arabic/Amazigh/French/English) in the educational system and to avoid dealing with double standards only when it comes to the Amazigh language, we call upon the Ministry to restore consideration and remedy the fate of positions related to the Amazigh language by opening an exceptional competition as soon as possible. “As he put it.”

Source: websites