_The_Moroccan_Moroccan_King_The_Amazigh_Atlas_Atlas 1--1484
Atlas in the Amazigh language: Atlas, which comes from the sun Atlantis. The Amazigh word Atlas is formed from two words: Atl, which means blocking, and As, which means the sun in the ancient Amazigh language. It took its name from its king, whose name was also Atlas. Plato and the Egyptian priests mentioned that Atlantis was a civilization born before the ancient Egyptian civilization 9 thousand years ago. Scientists estimated the age of the Amazigh civilization based on inferences from traces and remains in North Africa and the Sahara, the oldest of which dates back to 80,000 eighty thousand years, and this is what made scientists delve into the mystery. The mystery of the North African civilizations of Egypt and the Berbers and their relationship with the civilization of Atlantis and the world
It is said that Atlas is a name derived from Atlantis, which is the name of a legendary civilization that Plato mentioned had sunk. It took its name from the name of the people who inhabited it, the Atlantes.
In mythology, he is a being so high that the upper part of his head cannot be seen, whether in summer or winter. Hercules relieved him for some time on his journey of twelve missions when he carried the dome of the sky for him in exchange for Atlas going to the Garden of the Hesperides to bring him three golden apples.
The Hesperides are gardens that were guarded by the Hesperid nymphs, “night nymphs,” near the present-day Atlas Mountains, which are in the western part of the world (Morocco).
When he returned, Atlas refused to return to carrying the dome of the sky after he found someone to carry it for him.
According to the Berber and Greek Moorish mythology, he is the son of Poseidon and the brother of King Antaeus, and he is one of the first kings who ruled the Kingdom of Mauretania (ancient Morocco) after the collapse and disappearance of the Atlantean civilization due to natural disasters...
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Plato says in his book Critias that Atlas was a king over the Atlantean people and that after him the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains of the Kingdom of Mauretania (now the Atlas Mountains) were named...
Historian Siculus_Diodorus says that King Atlas was the first to master geography and astronomy and the first to invent a spherical model of the shape of the Earth...
In the year 1589, the geographer and astronomer #Mercator_Gerardus published his famous book on maps, ATLAS, because he considered King Atlas the greatest geographer, philosopher, astronomer and mathematician in human history...
The historian of the Kingdom of Morocco, Abdel-Haqq Al-Marini, says in his book The Moroccan Army that King Atlas thought 1000 years BC about invading Europe, the land of cold and devils...
What King Atlas carries on his shoulders is the globe that he made, and not what was popularized by the imagination of Greek mythology, which inspired this king. Rather, out of great reverence, they made him one of the sons of the gods, and that Hercules relieved him by carrying the globe instead of him...

Source: websites