Confession does not erase the crimes committed
Confession does not erase the crimes committed 1---1191
Ahmed Talib Al-Ibrahimi confesses to Al-Khabar newspaper that he was committing the crime of fighting and obliterating the Amazigh language when he was one of the officers of fascist Arab nationalism, which brought nothing but tension and division to the Arab countries. We do not know if he actually regrets this criminal act or is just political outbidding? .
Separating the identity of a people from their land and attaching it to another land is a dangerous act that has negative consequences for the stability of peoples. All the peoples of the world are ethnically mixed, but all these races are united in the identity of their land because this eliminates ethnic divisions and racial problems, unites peoples and strengthens loyalty to the homeland. For example, what is happening in North Africa between the Amazigh and the Arabs is caused by this mistake committed by the regimes by attaching the identity of their people to a land located on another continent and carrying its own identity.
This is why we see that there are no problems between the other races that came to North Africa before the Arabs (Jews, Sub-Saharan Africans, Iraqis, and Romans...even though their number is greater than the number of Arab immigrants).
Because these races assimilated into the identity of the land and did not try to attach the identity of the land from which they came, as the Mozarabs do
In any case, the water has been returning to its normal course quickly for some years, and goodness is still ahead!
Arabization is a barbaric act practiced only by a mob who know nothing about humanity and do not understand anything about linguistics. Their goal is to change God’s creation against the will of the Creator with religious justification. Par exemple, ce qui se passe en Afrique du Nord entre les Amazighs et les Arabes est causé par cette erreur commise par les régimes en rattachant l’identité de leur peuple à une terre située sur un autre continent et porteuse de sa propre identité.
C'est pourquoi on constate qu'il n'y a pas de problèmes entre les autres races arrivées en Afrique du Nord avant les Arabes (Juifs, Africains subsahariens, Irakiens et Romains... même si leur nombre est supérieur au nombre d'immigrés arabes). .
Parce que ces races se sont assimilées à l'identité du pays et n'ont pas cherché à attacher l'identité du pays d'où elles étaient issues, comme le font les Mozarabs.
En tout cas, l'eau reprend rapidement son cours normal depuis quelques années, et le bonheur est toujours en avance !
L’arabisation est un acte barbare pratiqué uniquement par une foule qui ne connaît rien à l’humanité et ne comprend rien à la linguistique et dont le but est de changer la création de Dieu contre la volonté du Créateur avec une justification religieuse.

Source: websites