Sumerian woman worshiper 2600-2500 BC.
Sumerian woman worshiper 2600-2500 BC. 1----43
A statue of a Sumerian woman standing with her hands in a prayer gesture was found in one of the basements of the Temple of Nippur in the temple of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of fertility. Her robe is wrapped over her left shoulder and its folds descend, defined by two patterns engraved along the borders of the fabric. The feet are prominently sculpted from the footrest at the back of the feet. The toes and ankles are clearly sculpted.
Wavy hair is secured with two regular ribbons, and curly hair strands hang on either side of the face. The eyes are studded with lapis lazuli. The well-preserved statues in Nippur are those that were buried in the temple furniture, including this statue. Such burials indicate that temple equipment and offerings remained sacred even when they were abandoned.

Source: websites