Ahmose Nefertari: The eternal radiance in the great history of Egypt
Ahmose Nefertari: The eternal radiance in the great history of Egypt 1---111
In the heart of the ancient history of ancient Egypt, the memory of a legendary queen shines, Ahmose Nefertari, the unique lady who wove from her position a legend that embraces the sky. Daughter of King Seqenenre Taa II and Queen Iahhotep, and co-throne and blood partner of King Ahmose I, who laid the foundations of the Eighteenth Dynasty and paved the way for the era of the New Kingdom. From its generous womb, Egypt gifted Amenhotep I and other sons who sat on the throne of civilization.
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, the deity of the Eighteenth Dynasty, who was deified by the ancient Egyptians according to their beliefs. Ahmose-Nefertari was the wife of King Ahmose I, the liberator of Egypt, the expulsion of the Hyksos and the Asians, and the founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty. - The greatest ruling families in Egypt. Ruled from 1550 BC. Until 1525 BC. His wife, Ahmose-Nefertari, played a prominent role in the battle that ended with the expulsion of the invaders from Egypt. She was the first woman in history to assume the position of command of an entire military division, and she fought very efficiently.
Nefertari, the great queen, who possessed unparalleled power and influence, left her immortal mark on the walls of history through inscriptions and statues that embody her breathtaking beauty and sublime dignity. She bore the title "The Great Wife of Amun", which attests to her distinguished spiritual status as a loyal servant of Egypt's greatest deity.
At the end of her earthly journey, she settled in her final resting place in the Valley of the Queens, where her coffin and mummy were found in a carefully preserved condition. The Egyptian peoples immortalized her memory In later ages, she was worshiped as a goddess, especially at Deir el-Medina, where she was venerated as the heavenly protector of the Theban necropolis.

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