Tower of Babel----
Tower of Babel---- 1---38
The first skyscraper in history - its height was 91 meters - Alexander the Great tried to rebuild it - one of the exciting landmarks in the city of Babylon - the German archaeological mission did not find its remains because it had been destroyed and its remains were moved to unknown places before Alexander the Great arrived in Mesopotamia. The rest of its raw materials, especially the bricks, were transported to construct nearby buildings. It seems that the features of the tower were familiar during the era that preceded the reign of Alexander, as Greek records indicated that Alexander tried to renew the construction of the tower and ordered the transfer of its ruins or remains to a place far away from its location, but he died before it was built. It was reconstructed only by the German excavation mission, which was headed by Robert Coldaway - I was able to determine the locations of the walls surrounding the tower and determine the length - height - of each side to be approximately 91 metres. This measurement is close to what was stated in a clay inscription written from the Seleucid era by the Babylonian writer - Anu-Bel-Shunu - which was found in the city of Uruk. The Tower of Babel was square in shape, each side being 91 meters long, and it consisted of seven layers

Book of Methods of Archaeological Excavations - pp. 293-294 - issued by the University of Baghdad - College of Arts - written and supervised by - Dr. Taqi Al-Dabbagh - Dr. Walid Al-Jader - Dr. Ahmed Malik Al-Fyan