The head of the World Amazigh Assembly calls on the European Union to stop the “madness and conspiracies” of Algeria’s generals
The head of the World Amazigh Assembly calls on the European Union to stop the “madness and conspiracies” of Algeria’s generals 2-73
The head of the World Amazigh Community, Rachid Rakha, called on the European Union to take bold and practical measures to stop “the madness of the Algerian generals and their Machiavellian plots,” and why not “by severing all diplomatic relations with them.”
This came in a letter sent by the head of the Amazigh organization to Josep Borrell Fontelés, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Roberta Mizzola, President of the European Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Charles Michel, President of the European Council. , Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium and European Representatives,. He said, “The Algerian generals ignore, consciously or unconsciously, the collateral damage of what they are doing, because they are not only destabilizing Morocco, but they are also causing harm to the stability and security of your European countries themselves.”
Al-Rakha added, “These generals will not give up their obsession and their pathological goal of destabilizing Tamazga and Europe, as long as you do not mobilize and mobilize your governments.”
He drew the attention of the European Union to the fact that “those who control the wheels of Algerian power, especially the “illegitimate” President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the Chief of Staff of the Algerian Army, Lieutenant General Said Chengriha, have made every effort to ensure that their country joins the BRICS group, at a time when they should have simply and naturally invested in In rebuilding the geographical regional bloc to which they belong, which is the Economic Union of the Maghreb countries. Their desire completely contradicts the spirit of the Association Agreement between Algeria and the European Union, which arose from the Barcelona process in November 1995, was signed in Valencia on April 22, 2002 and entered into force on September 1, 2005. The first article of it clearly stipulates “encouraging Maghreb integration by strengthening Exchanges and cooperation within the entire Maghreb Community and between it and the European Community and its member states.”
The head of the World Amazigh Assembly calls on the European Union to stop the “madness and conspiracies” of Algeria’s generals 2-155
Full text of the message:
Your Excellencies,
Mr. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium,
Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council,
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
, Ms. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament,
Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelés, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President The European Commission,
ladies and gentlemen, distinguished European representatives,
Topic: How does Algeria seek to destabilize Belgium and the European Union after disrupting the Tamazgha Union?
Your Excellencies and Excellencies,
Firstly, I would like to remind you that it was my pleasure to send to the members of the European Parliament an important message, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the International Day for the Adoption of the Amazigh Flag, on August 30, in which I presented to you the issue of the harmful stagnation that the Union of North African Nations (Tamazgha) is experiencing because of the Algerian generals. , which has a significant negative impact on the economic growth of your member states in the European Union.
I have drawn your attention to the fact that those who control the wheels of Algerian power, especially the “illegitimate” President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the Chief of Staff of the Algerian Army, Lieutenant General Said Chengriha, have made every effort to ensure their country’s accession to the BRICS group, at a time when they should have simply and naturally invested in restoring Building the regional geographical bloc to which they belong, which is the Economic Union of the Maghreb countries. Their desire completely contradicts the spirit of the Association Agreement between Algeria and the European Union, which arose from the Barcelona process in November 1995, was signed in Valencia on April 22, 2002 and entered into force on September 1, 2005. The first article of it clearly stipulates “encouraging Maghreb integration by strengthening Exchanges and cooperation within the entire Maghreb Community and between it and the European Community and its member states.”
I would like, first and foremost, to congratulate the honorable European representatives for adopting appropriate resolutions to denounce violations of freedom of expression and human rights in Morocco  and Algeria, even though this sparked sharp protests from the Moroccan and Algerian governments. They considered this an interference in their internal affairs, and a violation, in some way, of the concept of “full and comprehensive state sovereignty.” While in fact, you intervened in full harmony with the content of the Association Agreement that these two countries ratified with the European Union, where Article II clearly states that “respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, inspires domestic and international policies.” for both parties and constitutes an essential element of this agreement.”
The head of the World Amazigh Assembly calls on the European Union to stop the “madness and conspiracies” of Algeria’s generals 2--104
In contrast, we can confirm that the current Algerian regime has indeed interfered in the internal affairs of one of your countries, by establishing a political bloc of a separatist and terrorist nature in the Kingdom of Belgium, with branches in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany, which clearly contradicts the concept of “full sovereignty.” absolute for states,” and violates Article 2, paragraph 7, of the United Nations Charter signed on June 26, 1945.
Thus, these criminal and corrupt Algerian generals created the so-called “Rif National Party” in the heart of the European capital, Brussels, and gave it an office in the heart of Algeria and a large budget. Why?
They not only obstructed the Union of North African States (incorrectly known as the Arab Maghreb Union, even though the Maghreb countries are not Arab at all !) through impeccable political and military support for the Polisario movement (which caused a war economic activity against Morocco over five decades!), closing the land and air borders with Morocco, creating jihadist movements in the Sahel, and fueling international terrorism (which did not spare European citizens, such as the despicable assassination of seven French monks in Tibhirine, in which journalist Hisham Abboud directly accused General Mehanna. Jabbar ), but they went beyond that by supporting the establishment of this rural separatist party in Brussels on September 17, 2023!
These malicious Algerian generals, who were drawn into this new and dirty separatist adventure of General Jabbar Mehanna, believe that through this measure they will be able to undermine the stability of the Kingdom of Morocco, which recently succeeded in gathering diplomatic support from several countries in favor of the proposal for autonomy in its Sahrawi provinces!
The head of the World Amazigh Assembly calls on the European Union to stop the “madness and conspiracies” of Algeria’s generals 2--105
Your Excellencies and Excellencies,
The Algerian generals ignore, consciously or unconsciously, the collateral damage of what they are doing, because they are not only destabilizing Morocco, but they are also causing damage to the stability and security of your European countries themselves. Suppose, for the sake of argument, which is absolutely the most that can happen, that individuals from this rural separatist party, who publicly requested to benefit from military training in Algeria, went further in their plans and began to implement them by committing terrorist acts to harm Moroccan interests. Where could they commit these potential terrorist attacks? Simply put, either in Europe, which hosts more than 5 million Moroccan immigrants, or in Morocco, their country of origin.
Let us assume that they will commit this far from Brussels, in their original area in the countryside, if they succeed in vigilantly bypassing the interests of Moroccan intelligence! Northern Morocco, since the suppression and imprisonment of the leaders of the “Rif Movement”, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the closure of the commercial borders with the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, has become the scene of a continuous flow of young people towards the Spanish coast. In this case, the attacks and the resulting financial crises will only, in this disastrous context, encourage and multiply the waves of migration towards the southern European coasts, which may far exceed those departing from the Libyan and Tunisian coasts towards the island of Lampedusa and the Italian coasts!
Let's also look at a more catastrophic scenario. We can expect anything from these reckless Algerian officials, who have a deep hatred for Morocco, and especially from the duo Said Chengriha and Abdelmadjid Tebboune (since they really act like psychopaths!), who are obsessed with the idea of launching an armed conflict with Morocco (as a way to hide their social and political crisis deep) after they destroyed the social and economic conditions of their people, numbering more than 40 million people (who are forced to stand in long lines to obtain basic materials in a country rich in gas and oil!). In this context, this desperate maneuver to support and create a new separatist movement in the Rif is nothing but another new attempt to push Morocco towards this conflict between brothers, which the latter is trying in every way to avoid. After their miserable diplomatic failure towards their neighbors in the south, especially with Mali, which ended the peace agreement signed in Algeria regarding the Azawad issue [9] and which engaged with Niger and Burkina Faso in good diplomatic relations with Morocco, here they are coming out with the Rif separatist card and exploiting the icon of rural resistance, the great hero. Abdul Karim Al-Khattabi , although the Riffians are not separatists, as confirmed by the hero’s daughter, the late Aisha or the Spanish historian, the late Maria Rosa de Madariaga [12]. In short, any direct military confrontation between the armies of Algeria and Morocco will have major negative repercussions and unimaginable effects on the entire European Union, which is suffering from the tensions resulting from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict!
Finally, these generals will not give up their obsession and their pathological goal of destabilizing Tamazgha and Europe, as long as you do not mobilize and mobilize your governments, to take bold and practical measures to stop the madness of these Algerian generals and stop their Machiavellian plots, starting, for example, by boycotting the purchase of their natural gas (which they finance Russia). Why not, by severing all diplomatic relations with them, unless they respect Articles 1 and 2 of the Algeria-European Union Association Agreement, as well as Paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the United Nations Charter.

Rachid Rakha,
President of the World Amazigh Community