Gilgamesh to Enkidu...
 Gilgamesh to Enkidu... 12695
I was a storm wrapped in bone and skin
And remove the darkness from my soul
You, man of moss and mountain, baptized me with your talk about water wells and rivers
Your beautiful language of streams has eroded the trait of tyranny from my stained divine blood
I replace it with a dangerous desire for you, with your honeyed words as soft as the skin of steel
You taught me to fight real monsters to avoid the ones in my head
"Kill Humbaba to defeat Arrogance."
You said as the sunlight made your skin glow,
You seemed like the god of the wilderness, cloaked in a holiness that I could not resist,
So I took hold of my sword and bowed down for you and not for Uruk,
Because you meant more to me than empires of mud and sand,
With your skin, the color of stardust, and your bloodthirsty hands,
Yes, I was Ishtar in the form of a man with a mind ready for war,
For your sake, I will face the wrath of the gods with a smile
For your sake I will visit the land of ghosts and ghouls
With my grief as dangerous as any blade,
Death stole you from me, and left the cold corpse of a companion,
Perhaps Death saw your earthly essence in the shadows and sought you to be his consort,
You always had a way of taming powerful and infernal souls like mine,
Brutality broke like branches,
So that a gentler plant may grow in its place,
No, man of the forest, you are no longer here to extinguish the forest fires in my blood.
So I will boil and burn over your stolen soul,
Death can only be overcome by immortality.
Thus, I will seek to reach the full end of life,
In revenge for you,
Brave, brutal, and lovable Enkidu.

Source: websites