The history of mathematics will be rewritten:
The history of mathematics will be rewritten: 1--89
1- A scientific bomb exploded, in a literal sense, as ancient Iraqi clay manuscripts were found, revealing the success of publishing the discovery in the form of a scientific article in the “Science” magazine.
It turned out that the wonderful discovery was related to the Pythagorean theorem, but the biggest surprise was that the first person to discover this theorem was not the philosopher Pythagoras himself, but rather it was a very ancient discovery. Iraqi clay manuscripts show that scientists in the Babylonian civilization in Iraq had discovered this theorem thousands of years ago. As the discoveries of the Babylonian civilization accumulated (paradox), scholars began to believe that most of the achievements of Greek civilization had derived their origins from the ancient Iraqis.
2- In the depths of human history, there is an ancient Iraqi-Babylonian clay tablet dating back approximately 3,700 years, which constitutes a turning point in the development of mathematics. This board is known as Plimpton 322
Plimpton's Tablet 322 is considered the oldest and most accurate description of trigonometry. This means that the Iraqis were the first to invent trigonometry. (Paradox) Also, the same tablet indicates that the sexagesimal system found in hours and minutes was discovered by the Iraqis.
A huge amount of clay tablets have been discovered recently, indicating the scientific progress of the ancient Iraqis, but academic curricula do not mention these achievements, unfortunately.
Comment: These are just interpretations and hypotheses that have not been decided upon. Does the description of triangles touch on the theories of both Pythagoras and Thales? Therefore, we cannot confirm this discovery while waiting for confirmation and a decision on the matter by the specialists.

Source: websites