The Amazigh language...and the satisfactory response to the “extrapolations” of Al-Kanbouri and the mouthpieces of Salafism
The Amazigh language...and the satisfactory response to the “extrapolations” of Al-Kanbouri and the mouthpieces of Salafism 2-104
Some mouthpieces, from Salafism to Levantine nationalism, and even from those who were unjustly affiliated with the Moroccan League, have returned to insulting the Amazigh language, the main component of national identity, by linking it to the revival of strife, calling for division and fanaticism, and accusing its defenders of treason, which neither reason nor logic can accept.
Recently, matters became mixed up for Professor Idris Al-Kanbouri in a video of his, and he chose to tweet outside of history about the Amazigh language in Morocco and North Africa, by returning to the discussion before the New Testament and Jadir’s speech and acknowledging the Amazigh dimension of national identity in the 2011 Constitution , and thus striking deeply at Morocco’s reconciliation with its Amazigh self, which It is one of the gains of the state of rights, law and citizenship in our country.
He chose a very strange logic to impose Arabism and link it to language and religion. He resorted to distorting historical facts and scientific facts. It abuses the comparative approach and even the content and meaning of religion, which is represented by coexistence, tolerance, and acquaintance between tongues and tribes .
The Amazigh language...and the satisfactory response to the “extrapolations” of Al-Kanbouri and the mouthpieces of Salafism 2-198
The Amazigh movement is not an ethnic movement, and it does not defend the Amazigh language from a tribal, ethnic, neurological logic. As Al-Kanbouri and others like him claim. It is a modern, progressive human rights movement that advocated equality and the fight against discrimination, racism, and exclusion against the Amazigh component of national identity. Among its demands for decades has been the democratization of the state and society, and reaching a state of citizenship in which everyone coexists, regardless of their languages, cultures, or religion. It is a civil state... a state of the will to live together without compromising on the ties that strengthen national cohesion in its pluralism and diversity, as stated in the preamble to the constitution and as stated in frequent royal speeches .
The Amazighs did not abandon their Amazigh when they converted to Islam and learned the language of the Arabs. Not every Muslim is an Arab and not every Arab is a Muslim. Because language has no relation to religion, and the example is that among the Arabs are Christians, Druze, Copts, Jews, and others, and this is the case in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, where Islam and Christianity coexisted among the Arabs themselves, and the majority of Muslims throughout history, which is the case today, are Persians, Berbers, Persians, Kurds, Turks, Malaysians, Indonesians, Africans, and others. Indeed, the major theorists of Arab nationalism are Christians and non-religious, including the majority of writers, artists, scientists, politicians, and others .
Returning to ancient history, Al-Samhudi mentioned in his book “Wafaa Al-Wafa Akhbar Dar Al-Mustafa”, first edition, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1419 AH, vol. 1, p. 142, that the Jewish tribes in Yathrib were more than twenty tribes, including Banu Ikrimah, Banu Tha’labah, Banu Muhammar, Banu Za’ura, and Banu Qaynuqa. And Banu Al-Nadir, Banu Qurayza, Banu Hadal, Banu Awf, Banu Al-Qusais, and Banu Masila, these people inhabited the city and its outskirts.”
But these facts do not matter, as they also forget what is said in the speeches of the King of the Nation when he affirmed in a Jadeer speech in 2001 that “the advancement of the Amazigh language is a national responsibility, because No national culture can deny its historical roots, and he was right when he said in his speech on the occasion of the sixty-eighth anniversary of the “Revolution of the King and the People” that “Morocco is targeted, because it is an ancient country, extending back more than twelve centuries, in addition to its long Berber history, and its affairs are under the ownership of citizens.” For more than four centuries, there has been a strong connection between the throne and the people, before he added“The state is strong with its institutions, and with the unity and cohesion of its national components. This is our weapon to defend the country, in times of distress, crises, and threats .” This is what some people are trying to undermine, with or without knowledge, by exploiting religion and Arabism to insult “a major component of the authentic Moroccan identity, rich in its many tributaries” and a common asset for all Moroccans without exception, as an official communiqué issued by the Royal Court was keen to point out on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, on the occasion of the adoption of the Amazigh New Year. An official national holiday is canceled.
The Amazigh language...and the satisfactory response to the “extrapolations” of Al-Kanbouri and the mouthpieces of Salafism 2--121
Your argument is weak, doctor, because it is based on the argument of imposition by force. This will not prevail over the strength of the argument of the Amazigh movement and all the modernists and progressives who support rights and freedoms and oppose the culture of hatred, hatred and extremism.

Source : websites