Numidian cities
Numidian cities 1-2970
The Auras was independent and undisturbed, even in Roman times
All the Romans did was besiege and divide the Aures with cities and barracks in the plains between the mountains
The Eurasians were also besieged from the south by the Lems Line, which had military barracks to prevent the Eurasians from communicating with their brothers, the Getuls, the inhabitants of the desert and the steppe.
The Kingdom of the Auras (in Latin: Regnum Aurasium) is an independent Christian Berber kingdom that arose in the Aures Mountains (currently northeastern Algeria). It was founded by King Mastiès around 480 in response to a series of Berber revolts against the Vandal Kingdom, which had occupied the Roman province of Africa in 435 AD. The Kingdom of the Aures remained an independent kingdom until the Arab-Islamic invasion of Morocco in 703 AD, when its last king, Dehya, was killed in battle.
In the picture we clearly see the Roman cities, their locations, and how they besieged the Eurasians
The Ewarians retreated to their castles and mountains, and whenever they gathered their strength, they attacked the Roman cities: Timgad, Tazoult, Mascola, and Vesera.... They were able to burn the city of Timgad and expel the Romans from it......
Numidian cities 200011
The palaces and fortresses that are found deep in the Eurasians are purely Numidian Eurasian cities, built by the Eurasians in times of prosperity.
Such as the fortresses mentioned by Prokop the Byzantine: Fortress of Toumar, Fortress of Babosis, Fortress of Zerbouli, and Fortress of Clupea located between Mount Ahmar Khado and Mount Shashar.
Like the independent Kingdom of Aures, which was ruled by Emperor Mastias, whose tomb inscription was found in Ares, who fought and expelled the Vandals from the region (Procop mentioned him as well).
When you find huge carved rocks inside this space (the Eurasians), they are the remains of purely Numidian palaces and cities built by the Eurasians.

Source: websites